The Blogger-Journalist is Here

Oh, he’s been here for a while, certainly; I meant here *officially*.

Two big stories bouncing around the Interwebs; the first, as I’m sure you’ve heard, is the Occupation of Wallstreet.  The streets are swarming in New York, police are beating down White Women (and the police state is finally noticed), there are allegedly similar events happening in other cities, and…

…the Press isn’t reporting on it.

Or so I hear at least; my television serves the roll of Ceremonial Fireplace, and I still haven’t bought one of those digital-whatzit-boxes which I apparently now need, so I’m going by word of mouth on this one.  If word of mouth can be believed, then it is a far more trustworthy source than actual journalists; that Other Wiki would certainly seem to bear this concept out.

The Event is certainly not the protests themselves – they’re interesting, in a way, like the Tea Partiers who are nearly as willing to dump on Bush as on the Golden Child – they suggest a sort-of nascent awareness by the masses that they’ve been sold out (though undoubtedly they think the sale happened sometime this century).  But ultimately they’re a waste of time, they’ll change nothing, and the people reporting on them are already aware of what’s going on.

Sad to say, but it’s not big events that change the course of history – it’s a combination of latent, uncontrollable forces, and the stupid, insignificant spats which trigger the shift.  If you have any sense you’ll stay away from these crowds, and study the forces at play.  We don’t know where it’ll happen, or when – I suppose it *might* happen when a squad of Noble Policemen open up on the protesters with live rounds – but it’s going to happen, we aren’t going to trigger it, and you might as well keep your head down, well before the bullets start flying.

The world’s shit; wear a hat.

No, the protests themselves aren’t the event – the lack of reporting on it is.  Now it’s hard to say how unique this is – as a student of History, I am constantly running into the quandary of trying interpret a story which was written by the victors – but Kent State would seem to suggest that there used to be some level of integrity in our Bardic Caste.

I think it’s safe to say that the those days are gone.

The second story is the one from Mexico.  You know the one.  All those dead bodies you keep hearing about?  Laid out like a Christmas Turducken?

Yeah, well, that’s because of this bullshit war on drugs…


But they’re all Colombian Cartel murders, aren’t they?  That’s what I saw on Breaking Bad.

Yes, the murderers are from the drug cartels – but the real question is who the victims are.  The first ping on my radar happened when I heard half of them were female.  Then it all fell into place:

They aren’t drug runners – they’re social media bloggers.

You see, the journalistic class in Mexico is so terrified of the Cartels, that they refuse to report on it (and who can blame them?  At least their motives are Human, unlike our own University-fed Bastards).  The Common People of Mexico, then, in need of some sort of forewarning when there’s an hour-long gun fight at the local mall, have turned to Facebook and Twitter for their news – and it is the Citizen Blogger, posting of these dangers, who is being beheaded, be-armed, and be-gutted by the Cartels, left dangling atop overpasses as a warning to others.

I salute all of you Honest Souls with the cojones to pull this off; male and female alike.

The era of Internet blogging is here, with all of its inherent pitfalls – Egypt was just a test-case, little more than your typical revolutionary cell-structure powered by the Interenet.  Iran could have been either, I’m not certain that Revolution made so much of a difference.

Besides, both were Autocratic regimes – you don’t expect Free Press there.

What we have now is the utter Failure of our Free Press to report; not just twisting due to ideological biases, but outright saying that black is white.

Enter the Blogger – and this is going to cause lots of problems.  I know this; I am a Writer, after all, and Writers are deeply dishonest people.  You’ll notice I didn’t cite any facts in this post? (“Facts, what facts?  If the media, the arbiter of facts, is demonstrably shown to not report facts, than do we really have such ideological Strong Points, or are all our houses built on sand?”) If you pay close attention to my writing, you’ll see that I write nothing but the Truth – but only in the most Dishonest way possible (must maintain my Integrity, after all).

Rumours are going to start spreading like wildfire – they already are, particularly in the Economic arena – and we will no longer have that institutional guarantee of authenticity we once relied upon.  Those who still read newspapers, and expect your sources to be cited are naive at best, and fools at worst.

Shit, it’s almost like going back to the Paleolithic.  Interesting times, isn’t it?

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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