Old Men, Take a Look at Our Lives

I think it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the Baby Boomers left us with a mad world to grow up in.

The Democratic Experiment has devolved into genocidal Special Interest Groups, where your vote means nothing.  The whole banking, credit, and finance industry is showing its true colours as a ponzi scheme, and we’re the ones who will pay.  Law Enforcement has devolved to brutal thuggery, the courts are a full of hypocrites, and the military is spit on, out of a marxist view of opressed and opressors.

The party ended in 1969; the High Water Mark hit, and rolled back; the party is over, and now the hippies are living in McMansions, buying a new set of leather furniture every four years, while their children and grand children make do with the leftovers.  They’ve become the marketing executives who turn our pop-culture into crap, because the embers of a dying empire no longer burn hot enough to fuel the Wild and Wooly music of the Sixties and Seventies.

Even the Eighties are nostalgic nowadays, and that’s bloody pathetic.

Throughout it all, though, there’s no Great Criminal to point a finger at – not for anyone with a brain, at least.  Our parents may have had their individual fuck-ups, but what do you expect from a single person?  Perfection?  That dissapeared in 1870.  No, despite all their failings, our parents are – ultimately – just people.  There’s no one to take the blame.  There’s no one we can properly finger as the culprit.

There’s only us, the Gen Xers and the Millenials, left behind to clean up after the party while we pay for their social security.

Except for one thing.  There’s a singular narrative I keep hearing from everyone over the age of 45; the same message, the same story, the same prescription – and I have one thing to say to all of you Old Men and Women:

Shut the fuck up about our sex lives.

You turned gender into two armed camps, full of traitors, with every incentive in place to betray one another at the drop of a hat.  Sex used to be an itterated Prisoners Dilemma, where cooperation was the Nash Equilibrium; now it’s a single shot, every Sex Organ for itself, and the defector always wins… if you can call [Divorced Mother]/[Lonely PUA] winning.

You started off by poisoning the wells.

A quote from Deti, commenting on the blog of the esteemed Dalrock:

…most men who came of age in the 1980s and 90s were not learning these things to be attractive to women. We were not taught any of these things.

I was taught there are absolutely no differences whatsoever between women and men wrt thought patterns, perceptions, the way they experience events, the way they process information, or their feelings. I was taught that any man who pursues women aggressively or goes after what he wants is a pig, a chauvinist, a possible rapist, and probably a criminal. I was taught that women find soft, caring, good-hearted, kind, and nice men attractive. I was taught never, never, NEVER to escalate sexually without express permission, and that doing otherwise would subject me to possible criminal prosecution.

Your Humble Scribe grew up as a typical divorce-baby, with an angry beta father who projected his own self-loathing onto me (Italians make poor betas), raised by women who taught me to Be A Nice Guy ™ while inevitably pursuing the bad boys themselves.  I remember feeling guilty for not crying as often as I ‘ought’ to.  I am intimately familiar with this story; we all are.

Let it not be said that I am a misogynist; both genders have it rough.

You girls got lied to just as badly.  While us boys were taught to be simpering feys, you got fed that hogwash of Grrrrl POWER!  You were taught to be ashamed of your beauty, to distrust all men, to act abrasively, contrary to your own sweet nature.  To compete in rough-and-tumble (Title IX) sports, to pursue academic careers, and the corporate office.  That you should be ashamed of your nurturing side, your soft-hearted caring side, your ability to see the best in others, and to be supportive of those you loved.

I will be the first to say that women are entirely In the Right when they demand some Alpha out of their lovers – I cannot fault you for drying up in the presence of Nerds and Geeks and Betas.  It is entirely fitting that a Woman love a strong Man.  Just as it is Fitting that a Man love a Woman who dresses beautifully, wears makeup, and acts sweetly.

At this point, Ladies, I am reverting to my own First Person Perspective; please try not to take offence.  I know it sucks just as bad on your half of the divide, but I’m over here, and this is what I see.

They turned us into gross parodies of our genders, the perfect anaphrodisiacs.  And what do they say when we tell them of our woes?

A man I much admire, Paul Elam (a stand-in all of those who are not public figures):

O.K., so you want to get laid? Here’s how you do it. Smell clean, get in the proximity of women, and then ignore them. When they come to fuck you, and they will, shut up and let it happen.

No, Mr. Elam, no.  I have heard the exact same thing from parents, family, and older friends when I try and explain to them the minefield of modern dating.  Your generation built this world, even if you fought against it, but you never had to experience it.  The Generals who organized the Great War had been Cavalry officers in their youth, and figured machine guns belonged in the rear rather than on the flanks.  Time for you to shut the fuck up, and listen to a Corporal on the front line.

Modern dating is hell.

50% of marriages end in divorce.  Another 25% are miserable, the woman an unhappy shrew, the man a shrivelled, ballless thing.  Another 20% are the blissfully unaware who settle, and 5% – maybe – actually know what’s going on and are happy, despite it all.

Women have become some of the most sadistically capricious creatures on the planet.  The sheer number of shit tests I deal with before going on a first date is astounding.  Confidence doesn’t broach it, anymore than intelligence will win you a chess game; rote memorization and practice is what you need.  You need Game.  Anything less, and you’re throwing the dice for divorce.

Maybe you should look at the women you’re dating.  Maybe you should look to your own issues.

Blame the victim much?  The irony of this astounds me; when a woman’s been through an abusive relationship, she’s held to a lesser standard – her man is expected to be gentle until she heals.  When a man goes through an abusive relationship, he’s suspect of being a Misogynist forevermore, and his comments on the tactical landscape can be ignored.

You Old Men are surrounded by women who are halfway ladies; we young men are surrounded by Feral Women who are violent whores.  Calling us bitter for pointing this out is nothing more than closing your eyes to the truth.

Let me tell you about my ex.

This girl was a twenty-four year old virgin when I met her.  Her parents were together.  She was a professional biologist, recently graduated.  We had amazing sex.  She bitched about the volume and the speed while I was driving.  I told her I loved her.  She told me she Loved Me.

She broke up with me one week before leaving for the Burning Man festival; two weeks after I went into a mild depression; nearly six months to the day from when we first met.

If you have Game, you’re already connecting the dots.  If you’re over forty-five, then you’re shaking your head in pity at my Psychological Issues.  You kicked out our legs from under us, and then snorted as we fell.

Old Man, take a look at my life; I’m nothing like You Were.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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14 Responses

  1. PizzaSlice says:

    Yet another faggot who can’t get laid; cry some more, bitch, how hard was it when I was fucking your girlfriend? Hell, you probably liked tasting it.

  2. Great article. One point though: The Nash equilibrium in an iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma is always for both parties to defect.

    ED: The fact that my familiarity with Game Theory is only cursory is evident.

  3. Denis says:

    Standing applause.

    As much as I respect Paul Elam, I don’t think he understands young men well enough. My primary concern has always been to grow the next generation of MRM and I fear that Paul is making the same mistakes as many Socons have, leading to a dead end movement of old men.

    Ed: I have immense respect for Mr Elam, and for the facebook friends who are calling me a misogynist, but in this case they’re dead wrong.

  4. Aynsley says:

    Thank you for this.

  5. SM Fish says:

    You are wise beyond your years. As a 61 yo boomer I saw all this on the wall when I was 18 and told people till their cries of mysognist were tiring. Not a few have returned up to 30 yrs later, divorced, stripped of assets, fighting to see their kids part time and told me I was right. You are one of the few people to get the numbers right about happy marriages, about 5%. As Col.Kurtz said, “The horror..the horror.”

    Ed: Thank you, sir. If I couldn’t get laid, they’d be blaming me for being a dork; when I can get laid, but can’t find a girl worth committing to, they blame me for being a player. You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

  6. 7man says:

    It turns out much worse for some men:
    Catholic Woman Fisking – Round 2

  7. tweell says:

    I’ve been watching the slow motion train wreck for a long time, but have been able to do eff-all about it. My oldest daughter finally has started to clean up the wreck of her life, all I could do there is make sure her ex-husband got the kids. My nephew proposed to a woman and next week met the guy she was screwing. At least it wasn’t like his marriage, where his wife left him for a lesbian lover. Now the lad’s back with his cheating lover, aggh!
    Yes, I had a decent marriage, although cancer took her way too soon. My youngest children are in college, and aren’t touching the modern meat market, it scares them. All I can say is good luck, and have you thought of going to another country?

    Ed: Ouch. I’ve made a similar commitment with my niece and nephews: if things go sideways, I’ll be supporting the brother-in-law, I know him to be a good man. My sister’s a good person, but quite brainwashed by all these degrees she keeps taking. As for travel, I have no idea where I’d go. I hate this country, but it’s my country to hate.

  8. Didn’t mean to detract. Your point concerning the dilemma was obviously relevant.

  9. Blueroll says:

    PizzaSlice, projecting much?

    Great post Aurini.

  10. Ouroboros says:

    Hey, just found this blog and I pretty much agree with everything you have said on this subject.

    I’m a 24 year old grad student and let me tell you, modern dating IS hell. Fuck, even finding datable women is hell. People may call me “picky” (maybe I am), but all I see most of the time is loud, abrasive women who screech like gaggles of banshies in public. THEN they expect you to initiate almost everything on a date. Yes yes if you have game this won’t be much of an issue, but come on! I don’t feel like doing all of the work. Grim prospects, my friend.

  11. Tim says:


    Is your hometown Hamilton? Are you presently living in Calgary?


    Are you from Port ALberni?

  12. Nick says:

    “Perfection? That dissapeared in 1870.”

    What happened in 1870?

  13. deti says:

    I just ran across this.

    Fucking brilliant. And not just because I’m quoted in it (for which I’m honored, BTW).
    Spot on, dammit.

  14. Zeb says:

    If I were a youngish man looking for a wife, I’d go to the foothills of the Italian Alps. Go to learn Italian, if you don’t know it already.

    Everything, and I mean everything, in this essay is pure gold.

    I have watched this nightmare unfold day by day since the early 1960s and I have no words to convey how sick of it I am.

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