Obama’s Going to Win a Second Term

Is there really any doubt of it?

Here’s the thing, folks; you and I aren’t the only ones noticing that things are getting Weird.  The ole’ job market ain’t what she used to be, moving from production to busy work.  Culture’s become flash-in-the-plan filth blasted at us with autotune.  A first world military with robots in its ranks is losing to camel fuckers, and despised abroad and at home.  The diaspora of Internet Media has torn up all but the last bastions of cultural reference points such as the Super Bowl, which – as we all know – is really just an excuse for men to rape underage foreign prostitutes.  The teenagers are out of control, sexting on their iPhones, and having babies.  Hell, even the MSM is worried about the dollar.

Mile after mile of empty homes that no-one wants to buy, and yet the banks are still evicting people who’re late on their payments, because they’re rather have no tenant, than a tenant who pays late.

This is no time for Politics as Usual.


Things started off all interesting-like with the Republican Primaries.  Ron Paul – despite being an absolute nut-job, and dressing like a homeless crack addict – was kicking ass, and the media had to twist themselves up like logical pretzels to justify ignoring him.  There he was – the one man who’d shake the foundations of this Foul Establisment until the buzzards left, and he had a shot at winning.

Or at least, that’s what you might have thought if you mistook Democracy for a Sane and Transparent Institution.  On the other hand, if you knew what sort of animal the Electoral College actually was…

The Party Establishment does not like Disestablishmentarianism.

So instead of the Lunatic, we get Mitt Romney.  A man more Bodak than human.  A man whose politics and morals have the consistency of play-dough, and the vibrancy of bile.  A place holder.  Another empty pod person.  A Business-as-Usual, sign the paycheques, Don’t Rock the Boat leader.  The best thing anyone can say about him is “At least he’ll be boring.”

Do you really think this man has the ability to inspire voters?

He brings to mind Hunter S. Thompson’s fateful description of Nixon:

It is Nixon himself who represents that dark, venal and incurably violent side of the American character that almost every country in the world has learned to fear and despise. Our Barbie-doll president, with his Barbie-doll wife and his boxful of Barbie-doll children is also America’s answer to the monstrous Mr. Hyde. He speaks for the Werewolf in us; the bully, the predatory shyster who turns into something unspeakable, full of claws and bleeding string-warts on nights when the moon comes too close…

Ah, how far we’ve come.  The description applies just as well to any Modern Republican Actor, the only dissonance is the setting.  Where once the vile and monstrous was the exception, it has become the bar upon which all are measured.  We live in an era of venal evil, and so unlike Nixon, Romney doesn’t stand out.

His Bile is Boring.


So this time around the block, American Voters will be given the choice of a Change No-one Believes in, or Big Mitt the Party Hack.  And change is desperately needed.  We’re sledding down the slope of fatalism right now – who’s your average person going to trust?  The guy whose very life screams ‘stay the course’?  Or the idiot, with the idiot plan?

Change is needed, even if that change will almost certainly make it worse.

Obama’s going to win.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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4 Responses

  1. DW says:

    Obama has to win, the Democrats need to earn every drop of the blame theyve come to deserve. And the fact that Republicans would put forward and vote for a hack like Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum is indicative of a people that havent learned, despite decades of the same old crap coming down the tubes.

  2. Ouroboros says:

    I sort of thought that you would like Ron Paul?

    Ed: I’m a huge Ron Paul supporter; I just think he’s crazy. No sane man would become a politician, after all, let alone a Good politician.

  3. Matt Strictland says:

    Just for the record almost no one reading this article will know what a Bodak is . I do but thats admitting too much.

    However your assessment of Romney and the rest is solid

  4. eggman says:

    @DW: “”The average citizen knows only too well that it makes no difference to him which side wins. He realizes that the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey have come to resemble each other so closely that it is practically impossible to tell them apart; both of them make the same braying noise, and neither of them ever says anything. The only perceptible difference is that the elephant is somewhat the larger of the two.” -Will Rogers, 1928

    There is plenty of reason to believe that people who become complacent and accept the mediocrity of democracy, or people who understand the failings of democracy and exploit it.

    Also, new generations of people will have to learn to distrust the establishment and think critically all over again. While they do that, they might still be being fed false idealism and too busy with their own lives. There’s much about the human mind that makes us irrational when it comes to politics. Read these for examples:

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