Feminists Are Like a Broken Clock…

…because even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Alt Title: This is What a Feminist Looks Like

A few days ago Heartiste posted a video of Harridan by the name of Katie Makkai doing a piece of… “Slam Poetry” (no, I don’t know what that is.  Go ask Matt Forney; he has a different type of Worthless Degree than I do).

In it she attacks modernity’s obsession with ‘prettiness’.  Watch at your own risk; her voice is like a rusty nail on the ear drum:

Heartiste’s response was to ridicule her – and rightly so.  Feminism is obsessed with rejecting Beauty Standards, to the point of idiocy.  When an article about Back Fat can be sub-headed under “healthy” in the URL it’s pretty clear that we’ve moved way beyond “beauty is skin deep.” As has been pointed out a thousand times before, evolution has set up Men to pursue Youth and Beauty (aka Fertility), while women pursue Confidence and Success (aka Strong Babies).  Fat Acceptance, anti-Slut Shaming, Western Beauty Standards, you name it – it’s par for the course.  Feminism seeks to alleviate women of any responsibility, while holding Men up to the old Patriarchal Standard.

I’ve seen Fat Acceptance Advocates calling Men fat, Gay Rights Advocates calling Mandrosphere writers gay, et cetera, et cetera; Feminism is founded upon hedonistic self-interest on the part of women, with no abstract Truth or guiding principle of decency.  Their truth is whatever they want it to be, right now; it might very well change in five minutes.

But that said… there is something to what she’s saying.  Plastic surgery – anorexia – obsessions with makeup and $500 purses – something is rotten in the state of Denmark.  Trying to look good for your partner is Normal and Healthy, but a cursory glance at the Females of Modernity suggests that those are the last two words you’d use to describe them.

If they aren’t War Pigs, they’re Vanity Princesses, wasting all their time and money on idiotically expensive outfits and makeup.

Katie Makkai would love to lay this at the feet of Men – us Evil Patriarchs forcing women to starve themselves and wear girdles, just to please our prurient interests – but nothing could be further from the Truth, of course.  The simple fact of the matter is that Men don’t find Barbie Dolls attractive.  Do we like women who are physically fit?  Of course.  Well groomed, with smooth skin?  Naturally.  But obsessive, anorexic, high-maintenance girls who spend more on a pair of shoes than most of us spend on a suit?

No thank you, ma’am.

So if it isn’t Men behind this problem with Obsessive Beauty – a problem which, I grant, she is correct to point out as A Problem – then who is?  Porcius Cato has some thoughts on the matter worth listening to.  While the speech is addressing the Roman Feminists Matrons who were protesting the Fannian, Licinian, and Oppian laws written during the Punic War to enforce female frugality, it applies equally well today (emphasis added).

What is this habit you have formed of running abroad and blocking the streets and accosting men who are strangers to you? Could you not each of you put the very same question to your husbands at home? Surely you do not make yourselves more attractive in public than in private, to other women’s husbands more than to your own?

The very last things to be ashamed of are thriftiness and poverty, but this law relieves you of both since you do not possess what it forbids you to possess. The wealthy woman says, ‘This levelling down is just what I do not tolerate. Why am I not to be admired and looked at for my gold and purple? Why is the poverty of others disguised under this appearance of law so that they may be thought to have possessed, had the law allowed it, what it was quite out of their power to possess?

Do you want, Quirites, to plunge your wives into a rivalry of this nature, where the rich desire to have what no one else can afford, and the poor, that they may not be despised for their poverty, stretch their expenses beyond their means? Depend upon it, as soon as a woman begins to be ashamed of what she ought not to be ashamed of she will cease to feel shame at what she ought to be ashamed of. She who is in a position to do so will get what she wants with her own money, she who cannot do this will ask her husband. The husband is in a pitiable plight whether he yields or refuses; in the latter case he will see another giving what he refused to give.

Women are the ones enforcing these ridiculous beauty standards, not Men.  We’re not the ones who buy Vogue and Elle – it isn’t straight males who choose fashion models that look like ten year old boys – and we don’t care how much your shoes cost.  Of course we don’t like obese women – but for that matter, we don’t like the Factory Form Fitted victims of excess plastic surgery, either.

It’s women living up to other women’s standards that has resulted in this idiocy.  If you ever hear a Feminist talking about the “Fragile Male Ego” realize that she’s projecting her own fragile sense of beauty, her fear of aging onto you.  Introspection is for the birds, according to these birds; somehow their personal obsessions are somebody else’s fault.


To be perfectly fair, Katie Makkai didn’t specifically identify as a feminist in that video, nor did she point towards Men as the culprits in her Beauty Conspiracy; but there’s little doubt as to where she stands on the issue.  As right as she was, pointing out one of the Myriad Problems with the Degenerate Modern Woman, her verbiage, tonal inflections, and overall outrage speak of an utter refusal to take personal responsibility.  She was a young teenage girl when her mother pushed her into the Surgeon’s Office – but rather than blame her mother (as she rightly should), she suggests an ephemeral beauty standard alleviating all women of culpability.

I don’t doubt for one moment that she’s a Feminist.  The screeching, the vocal fray, the faux-masculine aggressive arm gestures – it’s the exact same sort of behaviour we see in the following video, with this lovely example of femininity from the University of Toronto.

This is what a Feminist looks like.

Good lord, just look at this girl: nicely dressed, stylish red hair, cute pixie features – and a soul that’s uglier than a can of worms.  Remember Gents, about 90% of North American women have this screaming banshee hidden inside of them, just waiting to come out; this is why I find most women unfuckable, let alone undateable.

This Little Princess (subsidized by the State, in one form or another) is screaming about “Rape Culture” – another one of those canards we in the Madrosphere like to ridicule…

…until a video like this pops up.

Patriarchy, fuckface!

The background: a bunch of High School students dragged a sixteen year old girl, passed-out drunk, from party to party, repeatedly stripping her and raping her.  I don’t know about you, but about halfway through the video I started having violent fantasies involving a sword aflame with the Lord’s Righteousness.

Feminists like the angry dye-job above love to scream about how you “Don’t blame the victim!”, as we heard loud and clear with the government-funded Slut Walks a couple of years back.  Just to be clear – I blame everyone in this debacle.  The boys who did it, and the boys who watched; the parents who led their kids roam free; the teachers who never installed discipline; and a culture which promotes un-supervised, and un-parented children to party solely amongst their peers, drinking to excess – and, yes, the poor girl who should’ve known better than to pass out drunk amongst these vermin!

A video like this makes me want to open the patio door and scream “Fuck this society!  I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!

Neither myself, nor any of the people I associate with live in any sort of Rape Culture; Western Civilization never used to be a Rape Culture; yet it’s pretty clear from this video, listening to these vile, degenerate boys, that there is a Rape Culture which exists amongst us.

The Anonymous Conservative explains where it comes from, and how it came to be:

Our public education system spends our tax dollars teaching these children that aggressive men are bad, that men judging the behavior of others is bad, that women never need protection, that all manner of sexual behavior is not only acceptable, but to judge it is criminal, and that nothing is ever worth fighting over. Our culture idolizes the Lindsey Lohan’s and Chris Brown’s, who never suffer any consequence for any behavior. Be acceptable and you are unacceptable. Be unacceptable and you are acceptable. It is all upside down, because Liberals are brain-damaged, r-selected psychologies in a K-selected species.

Is it any wonder that no young man was there who would step up and make a stand to try and stop this? Suppose one had, and a fight had erupted? Who would Liberals castigate as the enemy? In a Liberal brain damaged world, to not have Liberal brain damage means you need to be punished until you exhibit it.

In other words – the culprit behind Rape Culture isn’t Patriarchy, it isn’t rough, right-wing Men, it isn’t Cato and Roman enforced Matronhood – the culprit is Feminism, along with the many other Hydra Heads dangling off the body of Leftism.

“By their works shall ye know them,” it says in the Bible.  Captain Capitalism asks, “Where is the feminist equivalent [of manosphere self-improvement]?” The Right is about strength, self-improvement, Truth, Justice, and the Western Way; the Left – as always – is about breaking your legs and then selling you a pair of crutches.  Offering excuses so that you never have to better yourself; just keep suffering, you don’t want those Social Workers to lose their jobs.

Feminism can be pretty skilled about pointing out some of the problems in our society; it helps that they were the ones who created them.


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Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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3 Responses

  1. SGT Caz says:

    Excellent post. I wonder about the degree to which feminists understand that they are playing a crude power game to assault the refined power game of patriarchal masculinity, and how, in the process, they are wiping out a system of controls that has protected people like themselves within a cocoon-like social system that has used its power to establish justice. They would never admit to such a thing, because they take the worst of Judeo-Christian ethics too seriously to admit that power is an inescapable part of life. But they need it. An empowered man was needed at that party.

    They’re stupid kids. Stupid kids start with the assumption that people are good, kind, innocent, not wanting to harm others, by nature, and it’s a corrupt society that makes them bad. It’s hard to be more wrong. They don’t even have a solid set of standards by which to differentiate the good from the bad anymore, and that’s a result of their own efforts. Disgusting.

  2. Dr. Faust says:

    As I pointed out in my blog: The less rational a person is the less likely they are to understand the consequences to their actions. At extreme levels of irrationality we see people who believe they exist within a vacuum. That actions have no consequences and desire is the only requisite to understand how our actions will change the future.

  3. cogitansiuvenis says:

    For all rhetorical vomit that feminists spout about the evils of patriarchy they are laughably unaware that is patriarchy that prevents incidents like that high school rape. No person in a girls life is better able to ensure the protection of her well being and dignity than her father.
    The phenomena of shot gun marriages come to mind.

    What these feminist fools don’t understand is that the west as it stands, wealthy and relatively free, is an an exception to the norms of human history and through their selfish self righteous actions they are laying our civilization low.

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