What if They Had a Race War and Nobody Showed Up?

Or: You Can’t Simmer the Zimmer

So far, there’ve been very few race riots over the Zimmerman Acquittal.  My thoughts on the matter in this short, thirty minute video.

Note: the camera cut out ten seconds before I finished, but you’re not missing anything.

Direct Link

“Worthless” Audiobook, by Aaron Clarey & voicced by Davis M.J. Aurini
YouTbe to MP3
A Scared Liberal


Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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3 Responses

  1. Wayne Earl says:


    excellent post. much to think about – i suspect the realityof things is the unionof several of the explanations touched on.

    i remember the LA riots in 92 – i was in Los ANgeles during them, having arrived via LAX the day they began for a state wide student engineering competition in Aniheim. it was my senior year of high school. my father before me grew up in Watts, and was one of the very few blond and blue eyed who had to stand his ground during those riots.

    think this explains in part why he joined the military voluntarily right after the Watts riots, straight to vietnam and a lifelong carrer of military service following.

    how quickly easily led fools shit in their own catbox. shouldnt surprise me as i work in advertising now, as this is esentially what respondant conditioning does best. still, , ive been disgusted by the responses ive seen from ignorant people to the Trayvon fake race trial. not a single person ive seen who think the trial is a travesty even bothered to look at the trial itself. not one single person.

    i guess the further death of any of my remaining idealism towards “humankind” is a good and necessary thing, but still, i long for a world that i can expect better andnot be disappointed 99.999% of the time.

    all well. let the lessons of the old world inform the shaping hands of the new. failure is the perfect teacher.

  2. Matt Wennerlund says:

    I cannot get to the video without going to the source of the page and finding the link there. The link seems to be missing the http:

    I am using Chrome, but it looks like malformed code. Firefox works somehow.

    Ed: Weird, I’m using the default embedding from Youtube. Appreciate the notice – I’ll provide Alternative Links in the future.

  3. mts1 says:

    You nailed it. When Obama said that if he has a son, he’d look like Trayvon to help himself in the election by getting the base emotionally invested, he married himself to the trial, and made it into a race issue with the first black president weighing in on the prosecution’s side. And so along came the white liberals and everyone else invested in the Obama presidency – that’s why they constantly ran photos of a 12 year old Trayvon who couldn’t shave yet instead of the tattooed 17 year old with the body of an athlete. So though the FBI found no civil rights violations, he’s having Holder give it another go. He’d rather burn down ten cities than lose face. Zimmerman’s best chance would be to get out of here post haste to a country with no extradition treaty.

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