The Strategy Guide to Life

Bold and Determined recently celebrated its 3 year anniversary; I decided to send Victor my well-wishes by channelling some of his “No apologetics, no excuses” brand of possitivity in the following article.

Forget for the moment about the economy; forget for the moment about the historical cycles.  Remember, instead, that every generation of Men has had its own set of challenges to confront, and its own obstacles to overcome.  This is precisely what Dickens meant in the opening chapter of his novel A Tale of Two Cities:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

By this point, I don’t need to tell you that we live in some dark times, my brothers.  You’ve taken the Red Pill, and you’ve seen the Matrix for what it is: a soulless, ever-consuming machine, fattening the masses up for easy consumption with poisoned ideologies and addictions to corporate cog-work, destroying not only its victims, but through them, the entire social compact.  You’ve opened your eyes to the real world, which is dreariness, storm clouds, and a desperate, existential struggle for survival.

So what’re you gonna do?  Cry about it?

You’ve found out that women aren’t what you thought they were, that the job market isn’t what you thought it is, and that Santa Clause doesn’t exist – I get this, it can be stressful.  Go ahead, mope around for a month.  Then pick yourself up and realize that the Red Pill isn’t just a bracing truth – it’s also a Strategy Guide for living life to the fullest.

Let’s look at the job market: as both myself and Aaron Clarey have repeatedly tried to hammer home for you guys, the modern job-scape isn’t a free market.  Thanks to massive government interventions, and the equalist, feminist indoctrinations, most corporations have become hostile to productivity.  They subsist by inertia, protected by tax barriers that prevent start-ups from challenging their mismanagement, run by CEOs who only look at the bottom line for the next five years (rather than long-term viability), and maintained by incompetent HR departments who view competence as a threat.  This is not an economy adept at handling change.  The Googles and Apples are the exceptions, vibrancy in new fields, the rest are Old and Ugly, seeking to maintain the status quo for as long as possible, because they know they can’t compete against the young talent coming up.

Competency will get you fired.  Hard work will get you fired.  Brilliance and innovation will definitely get you fired.  As Aaron says in his upcoming book:

That’s how bad the current working environment really is in America.  Your success is not contingent on capabilities or skill, but rather your ability to be political, jump through hoops, walk on eggshells, and have near-mystical powers to interpret the constantly changing desires of HR and management.  And barring some miraculous economic growth it is the labor market you will get to face when you enter it.

Being a corporate man is a sucker’s bet.  Does that mean you’re going to curl up and die?

We’re living in the worst economy since the 1930s.  We’re also living in the richest society which has ever existed.  This is a problem.  This is an opportunity.

In his recent podcast with Matt Forney, Doc Illusion expounded on the number of opportunities available in the trades.  And then there’s the number of opportunities available online.  Not to mention the fact that living minimalistically is easy nowadays.

50 years ago, I would have struggled to get my novel published; it would have happened eventually, but I’d have spent years playing the game, begging for an opportunity as I worked crap jobs.  In the 21st century, it’s damn near impossible to get the attention of a publishing company – Broken Roads is well written and honest, both of which are disqualifiers – so instead, I self-published through Amazon, and I’m making far more revenue than I would have with the publishers taking their cut.

The corporate world sucks; the economy sucks; you can sit around and make excuses for your failure, or you can man up and win at life.

Let’s consider women next: they’re entitled, brainwashed with feminist materialism, unpleasant to look at, and unfeminine to deal with.  As Obsidian over at Just Four Guys recently summed up (touching on the connection between the economy and the dating market):

Think about this for a moment – the term “self-made man” conjures up imagery of Dale Carnegie, or Horatio Alger – you’re talking about an idea that’s easily a century to a century-and-a-half old(!). The notion that, through hard work and pluck, a (smart but unlettered) guy can rise to the heights of 21st century American life, is naive, at best. It is in large part to what Murray discusses in “Coming Apart”. For one thing, do you honestly think that those who have gone through the system are just going to stand idly by while a sharp but poor (and in this case, Black) kid just whizzes by them? Really?

80% of the women are pursuing 20% of the guys.  If you’re at the 70th percentile, that means your dating prospects are the dregs of the female cohort.  Further exacerbating this is the general decline of women in general.  Easy government money and casual sex has left them embittered and hostile towards men.

So are you going to sit around complaining about how all women are whores?  Time for a quote from Victor Pride:

Unless you are somebody special you are nobody. So become somebody if you want success.

I can’t say this enough times: no one cares about you or what you want until you become somebody. Nobody cares about nobodies. Other people are just as selfish as you and they want what they want, they don’t want what you want.

You have taken the Red Pill!  You have the Strategy Guide for Life!  At most, maybe 10% of the population is morally strong enough to accept reality, without running back towards comforting lies; to acknowledge that, if they’re 30, they screwed a lot of stuff up over the past decade; or, if they’re 20, that life is going to suck until they start to succeed.

Think for a moment about the average Blue Pill guy wandering around out there, happy with his delusions about reality.  Over the years, he will:

  • Get laid off without warning
  • His wife will cheat on him
  • His home and family will fill him with ennui
  • And he’ll go through a pathetic mid-life crisis, without understanding why

Sure, he’s happy right now, never challenging himself or his beliefs – but it’s going to come back on him sooner or later.

Your eyes are open.  A lot of stuff you see is ugly and abhorrent – but by the mere virtue of opening your eyes you are in the top 10% of Men.  You have the opportunity to be somebody.  It wasn’t the cakewalk you were promised, and it’s scary to admit that – with the erosion of the middle class – “Second Best” has become failure.  But unlike that Blue Pill guy, you have a chance to be Number One.

There is money to be made out there; there are good women out there, desperate to find a Real Man; the time when hierarchies are becoming calcified is the same time that major social mobility is possible.

It’s up to you, Men.  Don’t go out there and try… go out there and win!

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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9 Responses

  1. William says:

    When I saw the Life boardgame image on your homepage, I had an interesting idea. It would be possible to make a red-pill version of Life. Since Life is basically a suped-up Candyland, perhaps it should have more complexity, more like a strategy game. The idea isn’t quite as nutty as it sounds, the Rich Dad, Poor Dad guys made Cashflow 101.

  2. Sean says:

    Well done, sir.

  3. this is by far my favorite post of yours. I just read this aloud at my dinner table. lots of compliments were sent your way. feels very close to home especially these last few days.

  4. JDAM says:

    Methinks William’s idea for red pill Life, aka “Real Life” is a winner, too.

    Damn, William, come to think of it you should have kept that to yourself and marketed that shit. But now that he knows, maybe Aurini can help out? Hell, I’d certainly pitch in.

  5. Aurini says:

    Cheers, TBS, that’s quite a compliment!

    I’d love to see William put his game together; I only know rudimentary Game Design, but I’d be happy to critique – and even point you towards a few developers.

  6. earl says:

    Great post.

    I think why having your eyes open immediately puts you into the top 10% is for two reasons.

    1) You are aware of the snares this society has put in place and you have a strategy to either go around them or cut them out.

    2) Once you know the snares and how to get rid of them…the fear goes away and you go on the offensive. That’s the only way men win…not by being reactionary, but by fighting.

  1. November 22, 2013

    […] 50 years ago, I would have struggled to get my novel published; it would have happened eventually, b… […]

  2. November 26, 2013

    […] Strategy guide to life. […]

  3. January 15, 2014

    […] while I am a part of this nation.  I understand that even in circumstances that may seem poor, there is always opportunity.  How can any of us expect to have the capability to carry the fire of Western Civilization if we […]

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