Modern Cynicism & The Death of Hope

It’s confession time, gentle reader: I suffer from a deep-seated personal flaw, and though I manage to rein it in, the impulse is always with me.

I get a visceral thrill from thumbing my nose at conventional wisdom.  Today I’m going to break the basic rules of Marketing, and I’m going to do it with a rakish grin.

Marketing 101 states that you must remain upbeat at all times.  Don’t acknowledge any criticisms of your product.  Instead, accentuate the positive – in fact, if you truly internalize this rule, you realize that accentuating the positive doesn’t go far enough.  Affirming a positive implies a negative; every source of light casts a shadow.  By describing the benefits of your product, you leave it open to criticism, and the last thing you want is to generate negative buzz.  Certain groups are going to hate you no matter what, and by making any sort of positive claim you’re offering them ammunition.  Pro-level marketers never talk about the product itself, they tell you about the subjective emotions it will inspire.  They create a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Bic Soleil Glow
“Make your own Sun” is a trademarked phrase for women’s razors.  Seriously.

Maybe you hate the above commercial, but that’s fine; it’s not for you.  They’ll come out with a different commercial to target your demographic, the same product, but different packaging – maybe dark-grey, with heavy metal music, or black-and-red, with sexy jazz playing.  The point is that nobody can criticize the product.  Anybody who makes fun of the commercial comes off as a spoil-sport to anybody who likes it, and the only argument for switching brands is a better version of the above jingle.

This advertising is the perfect manipulator of the narcissistic and emotionally-shallow people we have in today’s world, and it’s certainly not just Bic that’s doing it.  I recently saw an Under Armor commercial about a bunch of Alpha Males playing rugby to dubstep that was equally vapid.  These methods are effective for manipulating the modern, degenerate man.  But they also perpetuate vulgar modernity-

-and if I stand against anything, it’s modern vulgarity.  Instead of emotional manipulation, I choose to focus on the concrete positives of anything I do – and whatmore, I will focus on the negatives as well.

As I’m sure you know, Jordan Owen and I have started a Patreon campaign to fund a feature-length documentary titled The Sarkeesian Effect: Inside the World of Social Justice Warriors.  As I write this, we are 20% of the way towards our funding goal, and we have already been transparent about the concrete objectives of this film – not just the ‘warm fuzzies’ that you’ll derive from helping us combat this cancer.  Well, I think it’s time to take it a step further; let’s talk about what sort of valid reasons you could have for being opposed to this project, and the $5 we’re asking of you.

1. You think it’s the wrong target.

Obviously my interests go far deeper than just video games; this is just a single battle in a larger war.  But even if it’s just one battle, I think it’s an important struggle – as well as a struggle that can be won easily.  The post-modernist front has left their flank open, and now is the time to strike.  This won’t win the war, but it will shift the terrain of the battlefield.

But that’s just my opinion; perhaps you disagree with me.  When discussing strategy, there’s a lot of guess-work inherent to the process.  You can’t Monday-morning quarterback on Sunday, after all.  Ultimately, if you gut tells you that this is a waste of time, then no factual argument is going to sway your opinion; that’s simply the nature of the beast, and it’s a stance I can respect.

2. You think we’re incompetent.

If you’re suspect of our competence, integrity, or commitment, those are again valid, rational reasons not to support what we’re doing. Saying, “I hope you prove me wrong, but I don’t believe you can pull this off,” is a morally and intellectually-consistent stance – and like the above, since we’re speculating about future events, there’s a certain amount of guess work involved.  I can change your mind about facts, but I can’t change your gut feeling-

-and you should always trust your gut.  More often than not, it’ll steer you in the right direction.

3. You think we’re biased.

I can envision a female game developer who worries that this film will be an unjust attack on her interests; perhaps she even despises Sarkeesian, but she doesn’t trust our commitment to being honest journalists, rather than opinionated editorialists in this endeavour.  I hope to prove her wrong, but once again – time will tell.  No facts I can proffer will change her assessment until the project’s done.

So there are certainly some valid reasons to be suspicious, or outright opposed to this project.  Unlike some people, I don’t claim to have a monopoly on the Truth.  But there are also some bad reasons – the ‘modern cynicism’ which is the title of this article.  With that in mind, I’d like to share a couple of tweets that I received this morning.

Twitter Cynicism

This individual is ostensibly an opponent of Miss Sarkeesian, and yet – with these two tweets – you could easily mistake him for an ally.  There’s a reason for that; they’re both adherents to the morality of cynicism.  Two quotes come to mind – pick whichever strikes your fancy:

The medium is the message.
~Marshall McLuhan

By their fruit you shall know them.
~Matthew 7:16

First, there’s his use of vulgarity.  Harsh language has a time and a place: when it’s used skillfully, it can emphasize the philosophical importance of a statement; even unskilled users can employ it as a blunt weapon, army corporals will pepper their speech with swear words, to communicate a ‘no-nonsense’ attitude.  Greg isn’t doing either of these things.  His handle of “turbofaggots”, and that of his friend “DildoFaggins”, don’t contain any sort of social commentary, and the emotional impact is nothing but empty calories.  He behaves with the maturity of a 9 year old who just learned his first dirty word, combined with the physical strength of a 21 year old male, who cannot be controlled.  Rather than tempering his masculine propensity for violence into a pro-social tool, he swings it about wildly like a child.  Emotionally, he never undid his mother’s apron strings, but his mother can no longer spank him for his outbursts.  He spews his vitriol at whichever target happens to subjectively offend him in the moment, without thought, discipline, or strategic objective.

This is what it looks like when boys fail to become men.

Secondly, he believes in the same article of faith that all post-modernist subscribe to: namely, “There is no objective truth.” Sarkeesian and me?  We’re nothing but equal opposites, according to his worldview.  My attempts to explain the difference are nothing but cynical damage control.  There are no heroes – only villains.  Everybody’s out for a larger piece of the pie, but nobody knows how to bake.

This is a soul that’s rejected Hope – I’m specifically referring to the spiritual virtue.  Hope is frightening; it implies the potential for failure.  Hope is demanding; it provides an objective to work towards.  Hope is humbling; it makes you realize that your own weaknesses are your worst enemy.  Living without Hope leads to failure, but it’s a comforting sort of failure.  It’s the root of all addiction.

The Gambler: he doesn’t play to win, he plays to lose.  Upon gambling away his last dollar, his preconception of reality is affirmed: it’s all just bad luck.  The failures in his life come from external forces outside of his control, he never had a chance to succeed.

The Drunk: every high leads towards a hangover – not just the physical malady, but the damage to his lifestyle, as well.  His drinking gets him fired from his job, which makes life even more miserable, so he drinks even more.  The drinking creates a world where drinking becomes a necessary medication.  The drinking justifies itself.

The Nymphomaniac: she pursues love through sex, not out of a genuine desire to achieve love, but to prove that it doesn’t exist.  Each partner that treats her like an object affirms that love is chimerical; the growing bitterness she embodies drives the possibility of love even further away.  Soon enough, she doesn’t have to be afraid of emotional intimacy anymore – physical intimacy has destroyed it.

The core of modern cynicism is a rejection of Hope.  On the surface, they seem to ridicule the World of Marketing in the same way that men of principle ridicule it – but underneath the surface, its a different plant that’s growing, and its fruit is foul.  They aren’t making fun of the manipulative, upbeat mantras employed by these commercials, they’re making fun of the concept of quality in the first place. They aren’t rebelling against “Make your own sun!” being a reason to buy razors – they’re attacking the very idea of a good razor existing in the first place.

They believe that everything’s a scam, and they’ve given up on finding nobility anywhere – especially not within themselves.

My disagreement with Sarkeesian is not primarily with her arguments, it’s the corrosive mendacity which underlies her methodology.  She selects arguments because they’re convenient; whether or not they’re true is irrelevant to her.  The medium is the message.  By their fruit you shall know them.  Spiritual cynicism underlies her methodology, she lives in a world where theft and profit are synonyms.

And Greg is no different.

They can’t appreciate beauty – only their own pleasure.  They can’t appreciate kindness – only their own profit.  Each day they spend living, their misery increases as a result of their own actions; and as their misery increases, they find new ways to take it out on the world around them.  These wretches wander about with their eyes on the mud, lashing out at any and all who come into contact with them.  Like children, they scream and cry whenever they want their bottle.  Like children, they cannot empathize with the world around them.

Pity these monsters.  They live in a Hell of their own making.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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20 Responses

  1. Mark Yuray says:

    Great article, Aurini. I support your film.

  2. jay says:

    “Rather than tempering his masculine propensity for violence into a pro-social tool, he swings it about wildly like a child. Emotionally, he never undid his mother’s apron strings, ”

    Is that many macho men and bad-boys suddenly tuck their tail between their legs as soon as their wife revokes their kitchen passes? According to this anecdote by Ton:
    “Man I ran into this face 1st last week. I went riding with some guy’s I know and one by one their kitchen pass was revoked. And so was my respect for them”

    One guy’s’s wife got called into “work”
    One guy’s son had an “incident” @ football practice
    One guy’s kid got “sick” & his wife couldn’t deal with it solo
    Couple of guys kids were “unruly” & the chicks couldn’t deal

    One guy bailed early because he had a 0430 work call but said so in advanced.

    One guy got out of the field, texted his old lady, jumped on his bike and finished the ride as planed; 3 cigar bars, a cigar and a drink at each.

    I don’t count as I am not working right now and all my girls are out of town.

    Not good. Either they are pussies and not controlling the frame or they picked bad chicks to tie their future to. The guys who had their kitchen passes revoked were all blue collar Black dudes who generally like to front as if they run things.”

    Look if it had been one or two guys who had stuff come up on the domestic front I’d chalk it up variances of life But when it happens in 5 out of 6 families…..

    Also those 5 dudes thought it was normal, none looked chagrined and they obeyed immediately. AND this occurs among the bad boy biker/ blue collar black dude crowd….”

  3. Yankee Sean says:

    As of late, I’ve found myself grappling with cynicism in a big way. My opinion of pretty much everybody has dropped significantly: soldiers? Well-trained dogs who don’t have the stones to depose an incompetent Commander-in-Chief who views their lives as nothing. Priests and ministers? Greedy cravens who will approve any social change and will facilitate the ethnic transmutation of their native countries if it means keeping their relevancy a little bit longer. Politicians? Even if they say the right things, they don’t mean it.

    On an intellectual level, I know that there must be such things as “hope” and “nobility” because I can conceive of them. But it’s difficult to see how my fantasies of a “better” world could ever come true.

    Maybe part of my problem was turning away from Catholicism. Don’t get me wrong: that’s a religion whose doctrines and leaders are causing me no end of frustration. But it feels like ever since I lapsed, I’ve just been afloat in a sea of religions that don’t fit me. It would be all too easy for me to find a Christian denomination that believed that there is nothing wrong with me seeking emotional and physical intimacy with another man- but so many of them also dress women in drag and call them “priests” and worship at the shrine of multiculturalism. Neo-paganism? No, they are all either progressive degenerates or neo-Nazis. Satanism? My ego isn’t big enough to call myself my own god.

    Is there anything sadder than a man who worships a God and has no rites, no hymns, no sacraments to do Him homage?

  4. Bhruic says:

    Modern cynics definitely make you look back on the Ancient Greek Cynics with a certain longing.
    “Diogenes stood outside a brothel, shouting: “A beautiful whore is like poisoned honey! A beautiful whore is like poisoned honey! A beautiful whore…”. Men entering the house threw him a coin or two to shut him up. Eventually Diogenes had collected enough money and he too went into the brothel.”

    Aurini, you often use ‘myself’ when the reflexive pronoun does not fit into the sentence. It comes across as awfully self-important. Which, while a part of your persona, I believe you would put second to being correct.

    Best of luck with the documentary.

  5. Aurini says:

    “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ~Nietzsche

    That’s the most dangerous thing about struggling against this insanity – the temptation to become insane yourself.

    That’s just me over-thinking Latin grammar – appreciate the correction!

  6. Yankee Sean says:

    @ Aurini

    “It is not good for the man to be alone; I shall make him a helper suitable for him.”

    Men who think about these things need distractions- the chthonic hermit needs a exuberant spirit of air to drag him out of his dank cave and dark musings and be shown the joys of life; the stargazer on his mountain needs a grounded oread of the earth to return his gaze to the needs of the lands at hand, and away from the troubles within his sight, but out of his reach.

    We need people to stay sane- people to laugh with in the pub, to compete against on the field, to mourn with at the wake, to raise in our homes, to love and hold in our beds.

  7. 'Reality' Doug says:

    Love this line: “This is what it looks like when boys fail to become men.”

    I dispute this one: “Pity these monsters. They live in a Hell of their own making.”

    Are you projecting your ‘civilizationalism’ onto admirably refined ‘stupid’? Evolution is the medium with no message other than might makes right. Hell for the uncivilized is civilization. I think women and manginas love to be distressed, love this maturing heaven as they ideate it, which is basically what this post says, right?

    You anticipated me in con #1, though goes beyond target selection. As for me, I think things must get worse to motivate and free those civilized to make things civilized again. Broads destroying gaming freedom but other and all freedom is the solution, imo. However, opening men’s eyes (though I can’t imagine the reachable man whose eyes are closed at this point) could be very useful. As far as your film ambitions go, why starve when you can feast on the beast (ain’t much other economy), maintain yourself, and progress collapse and civilized response? Implication lets sheeple feel in control: they fear directness, imo. Just a private thought I gave, not to rehash or worry about. I know you’ve got to do the art you feel in your gut and best wishes. No one can predict what moment turns the tide.

  8. You’re an idiot. :)

    Also, would you please back up your statement that Anita Sarkeesian is a hopeless cynic? You define your concept of modern cynicism and the way it perpetuates a self-fulfilling prophecy on the hopelessness of hope – but you completely fail to make an argument as to how this applies to Anita Sarkeesian. You draw the conclusion without ever presenting any information to build it up or lead us to believe it. This is a fundamental error in basic persuasive writing – you learn this in elementary school writing 5-paragraph essays.

    Please go back and rewrite this. D-

    Also, I thought you might get a ‘rakish’ smile out of this:

  9. Aurini says:

    I covered Sarkeesian’s flawed methodology here:

    Also, thank you for re-enforcing my comments about scatology amongst you people.

  10. Us People says:

    Anytime, you bald-headed prick. :)

  11. Yankee Sean says:

    I think I’ll take a break for a bit, folks. I’m turning into the very monster Davis describes. I’m 21 years old, and I’m already cynical enough to turn on my heel away from the world and watch with bitter satisfaction as it burns. I don’t want that. I’ve turned into Denethor, who does nothing for his people because his knowledge has convinced him that any effort will be in vain.

    I’ll be back when I’ve found the good in the world. Hopefully, I’ll remind myself that a fool’s hope is better than none at all. If I can make things even a little bit better, I will. I refuse to be a hollow man, chanting that the world will end not with a bang, but with a whimper. I’m going on an adventure to find my faith- in myself, in humanity, in the ability of the world to make everything okay in the end.

  12. Aurini says:

    Godspeed, brother; find something beautiful.

  13. Erick Muller says:

    You didn´t address a possible criticism of this documentary that I heard from a friend, that this wil be only or for the most part an eco-chamber, that the only people interested in this discussion are the people already involved in it and this wouldn´t do much in the sense of the exposing this charlatans and frauds to the general public. What would be your response to this claim?

  14. Rei De Bastoni says:

    I have another reason, which is why I’m not supporting this myself. I think it’s a good idea, and I think you guys will do a great job, but I don’t think it will make a lick of difference.

    Also I disagree with the ad hominem attack instead of addressing the guy’s valid point. Regardless of the maturity level of his handle, his statement in question was not as purported, but I did not see the whole conversation.

  15. benny says:

    Jordan Owen is a fucking degenerate piece of shit, who said on one of your podcasts quote
    “I want to go into krispy kreme and order donuts and the person serving me can wear a leather cock harness and biker hat and then sit down next to a baby fetishist wearing a diaper and it can to be as natural as one person wears a blue tie and another wears a red tie”
    he’s clearly out of his fucking mind, why would I trust this joker with a single cent? that’s not cynicism that’s plain common sense. Davis why do you associate with this fool?, how can you expect to be taken seriously, he’s so bad he makes Sarkeeisian look like a paragon of wisdom, come on man this is embarrassing.

  16. Stingray says:

    Yankee Sean,

    I’m not sure you’ll see this, but if you have one near you, try a Traditional Latin Mass run by an FSSP priest. It’s like night and day to the Novus Ordo and may be just what you are looking for.

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  1. August 30, 2014

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