Predictions for 2015


We’re living in a civilization that’s declining into a new Dark Age as part of the long cycle, while in the short cycle of generation, we’re gearing up for a major conflict.  These are the seasons in which we live, they’re part of the landscape and there’s nothing we can do about them.  Within this context, however, there is much that can be done.  What the conflict will be about, and how the Dark Age will manifest are still up in the air.

Dark Ages result in the decline of states, but not necessarily the decline of peoples or the decline of technology and culture.  Brakes will be put on many of these things, slowing their advancement, as growth prepares itself in other areas to flourish down the road.  The important question is what sort of future we’re preparing for.

The Good

The radical Left is discrediting themselves on a daily basis; as Roosh noted in his video, this is shaping up to be “The Year of Truth”, where pointing out bogus lies and statistics won’t get you fired from your job or labelled as a misogynist.  #GamerGate has united people of various temperaments and opinions against that age-old enemy of civilization, this time manifesting under the guise of Feminism and Social Justice, and we’ve got them on the run.  Advertisers are pulling their support of Leftist magazines, and more and more of the general public is catching on the mendacity of these envious narcissists.

This is better than I dared hope.

I’ve speculated in the past that the biggest difference between Pax Americana and Pax Romana is our ability to communicate.  I suspect that many people in the Roman world knew that it was all going down, and while they each had a piece of the puzzle, they weren’t able to network with those who had other pieces.  They were isolated, with nothing but their solitary data points.  This time around we’re all communicating, comparing notes, and ‘organizing’ in amorphous networks where the only true leadership is the pursuit of Truth and Decency – leaders which are unassailable.

Our Zen is more powerful than theirs.

Our technology has the potential to realize such nightmares as Orwell’s 1984 – the Surveillance State is already in place – and yet we’re destroying the very ideologues who would abuse this technology, sapping their vital energy and narcissistic supply.  First we win the culture war, then we can win the ballot box.

March on Christian soldiers; 50 years from now, if we succeed, the world will look more like Neuromancer than Brave New World.

The Bad

Martin Armstrong is predicting a major economic event in September of 2015; my own gut feeling was sensing something like this coming around the same time before I heard of his models.  All the pieces are in place right now, especially with these low gas prices; the economic Armageddon we promised ourselves with the bank bailouts is about to arrive.

A crisis is also an opportunity, however.  If you’re reading this site, then you long ago gave up any delusions about being a loyal company man and earning your retirement – there are a few people tricking themselves into thinking that’s who they are, but their houses are built upon sand.  Dynamic mobility will be required.  Keep your ear to the ground, and your house in order.  If you can zig while others zag you can come out ahead on this whole thing.

Take advantage of the days leading up to it to put yourself in the best situation you can; then hunker down for a cold winter next year.

EDIT: As Jeremy points out in the comments section, economics are about as predictable as the weather.  DO NOT take this as a promise and sell the farm in August; this is a guesstimate, and even the act of putting it out there changes the future.  My gut instinct says that we should be ready for some major upheavals – but don’t go all Y2k, and then be disappointed when nothing explodes.

The Ugly

First, let me tell you something that’s absolutely amazing about this wonderful country: there is no race problem in America!

This is a topic I’ve been meaning to expand upon for a while now, but for the moment just take it as given: in any other country, ethnic groups are at eachother’s throats, constantly, but in America they’re all American first and foremost.  Remember that this is the country that had a Revolution that didn’t turn into blood on the streets, like revolutions have everywhere else, in every other epoch of history.  There’s something magical in American soil.

There is no race problem – but there are a lot of people gunning for a race war.

Constant racial agitprop is disseminated by the mainstream media, and few are those who will believe their own lying eyes.  Savages in academic circles are allied with savages in poor neighbourhoods, their only goal to perform violence under the banner of racial animus; everyone else believes the nonsense they argue in justification of this pointless violence.  The victims are the civilized people of all races.  It’s an alliance built upon envy.

We may be defeating the Social Justice movement on the cultural level, but the machine of Hate and Blood and Smoke they’ve built is already up and running.  We can prevent them from enacting the tyranny they so desire, but we can’t stop the cycles already underway.

There’s going to be a lot more blood before this is through.  I still think we can stop a full-blown race war, but it’s going to get ugly.


We’re already winning, we just need to keep doing what we’re doing.  On a civilizational level, we need to get our house in order over the next fifty years, to prepare for the long 400 year slog that will be the upcoming Dark Age.  Last time Islam arose and waged a constant war against Europe, India, and Africa, after conquering the middle east; it destroyed, impoverished, and enslaved untold millions; this time around, Islam is again rearing its ugly head as it grows in strength and infiltrates our own homelands.

Rather than fighting the war over there so that we don’t have to fight it here, we need to win the war at home so we can win it abroad.

The solution is not through organized movements – that’s a Medieval concept, it belongs to the Springtime of civilization.  What we need now is the atomized, individual solutions, the pursuit of virtue in our own lives, the establishment of those who will be the salt which preserves the earth, of stable households and powerful statements of culture.

Pursue your own betterment, and set an example for others; that’s how we survive the winter.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

29 Responses

  1. Laguna Beach Fogey says:

    Overall this is very sound, apart from the bit about the race problem.

    I would say there’s a very significant race problem in this country, in the form of mass non-white infiltration and colonisation, the multikult, widespread anti-White animus, ethnic cleansing and race replacement, black-on-white crime, and state-sponsored race war against indigenous Whites.

    Guys like you may not want to talk about racial conflict, but it’s coming, and will contribute significantly to the continued disorder and decline of the West.

    Bonne annee!

  2. Bob Wallace says:

    There is a low-grade race war in the United States.

  3. cecilhenry says:

    The Biggest problem in the West. Everywhere:


    That is the crime. It is white Genocide. IT is state violence. Politicians past and present must be held accountable. ‘;Just obeying orders’ is not an excuse.

    Do you wish to spend the rest of your life supporting swarms of non-citizens streaming across our borders and voting for you to give them more of your earnings?

    Happy 2015–all the best for the new Year.

  4. Jeremy says:

    Re: the economic catastrophe…

    It’s *always* bad form to try to predict the future. I realize there’s lots of reasons to expect a major economic catastrophe. I see the smoke coming from the top of the volcano, I feel the small earthquakes, everything points to a major eruption of chaos, but it is still very very poor form to try to predict things and put your name on a timeframe/prediction. I would tweak the advice to say something like… You should already be prepared for significant economic catastrophe. That means having enough value outside of the banking system that you can pick up, move, and move on without losing significant value. That means avoiding debt, owning portable wealth any way possible (available and outright owned mobile living arrangements, precious metals, bitcoin, etc..) as well has having a jack-of-all-trades skillset. Avoid specialization in your career, even if offered large sums to perform such work.

    Basically, yes, something is likely coming that’s worse than 2007/08, but don’t try to predict when. Don’t sell the farm because you think you know the date of collapse, because we don’t. But DO be prepared for that inevitability ASAP.

    Re: the “Race problem” in the U.S…

    It has been said before, differently, by Stephan, but I’ll offer my own version…

    America fundamentally does not have a race problem in the U.S., it has a gun problem. America fundamentally does not have a gun problem, it has a gang problem. America fundamentally does not have a gang problem, it has a single motherhood problem.

    Replace single mothers with intact mother/father families, and all these problems vanish in a generation.

    btw, if anyone thinks the U.S. is racist against blacks, you should try living just about anywhere else in the world, and watch how blacks are treated there. I would almost guarantee that Whites in the U.S. are the least racist (in general) against blacks of any other country.

  5. Aurini says:

    The illegal immigrant problem is a separate issue; in fact, it is THE number one issue of modern politics, which nobody wants to address. It’s an attempt to create an actual racial divide, but it’s still in the early stages; it’s not part of the racial ‘conversation’ [read: lecture] that Obama says we should have.

    As for the apparent racial problem – their agenda is against *all* races. They want to destroy the whites, degrade the blacks, and hand Israel over to the Mohammedans. They’re living embodiments of rage and envy – they don’t have a plan, they just want to see the world burn. Don’t play into their paradigm by using their language.

    I’ll expand upon this another time.

  6. 'Reality' Doug says:

    The intellect and character demonstrated in the OP and the comments is the social norm I never had and always have needed. Impressive micro-display. I think there is a balloon payment of culling to be made, and if the civilized don’t coallesce with adequate mass and purity, there is not civilization. There are several incompatible orders of freedom: packism freedom, tribalism freedom, barbarism freedom, and ‘civilizationalism’ freedom.

    On Islam and their Golden Age, I’ve given this some study. The Muslim Empire(s), the Byzantine Empire, and the Mongol Horde Empire(s) were culturally barbaric, which is to say stable and cross-pollinating but not progressive. Progress requires organized instability = honorable competition. Those who are not innovators, not original thinkers, not Keirsey NTs suffer without civilizationalism freedom, but 94% of humanity does great under the status quo. However, a human engineered domestication of the masses into a distinct subspecies domesticated for tax unit productivity, that is a whole new ball game, if the Nu Wurd Oder wins. I don’t think we can exclusively look at human history and anticipate with any accuracy even in abstract terms. Breeding, genetic engineering, automation, AI–new ball game indeed, but it is only contiguous evolution to mother nature.

  7. J says:

    Martin Armstrong is a good historian but also a bullshit artist. If you follow his alleged market predictions, he constantly revises dates, and price targets in his blog when he is wrong to seem all knowing like. His predictions follows the crowd.
    Also, just because wars or empires last or happen every x amount of years, doest mean you should build a mathematical model out of it like he does. It’s way overreaching.
    I actually subscribe to the peak oil theorists. You should check out the
    Peak Prosperity crash course on YouTube for a better economics blog

  8. Rei De Bastoni says:

    What I see are the biggest problems with the country:

    1. Extreme short-term thinking, such as executives selling or dumping part of their companies to make a quarterly bonus goal.
    2. Outsourcing and automation of jobs – the power will be increasingly more and more concentrated into the hands of the few that own everything.
    3. Immigration that destabilizes what little cultural and financial strength we have left.
    4. Continued implementation of socialist ideas – The healthcare act was just the latest; we can hope that the mistakes expose how bad the decision is, but often times they will double down anyway.

  9. Yankee Sean says:

    “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” -Matt. 6:34

    Trying to foretell the future, especially for a system as complicated as a multi-civilizational world, is madness. My only prediction for 2015 is this: Russia’s course in the coming year will be the same as it has always been, a endless series of variations on the sentence, “And then it got worse.”

  10. Parajeet says:

    “Our Zen is more powerful than theirs.”

    Your meditation is better than theirs? I wasn’t aware the Manopshere consisted of a majority number of meditators. Interesting and I’m glad to hear it.

    “We’re living in a civilization that’s declining into a new Dark Age as part of the long cycle, while in the short cycle of generation, we’re gearing up for a major conflict. ”

    I don’t see it. I think “the west” has reached peak materialism and people are starting to scale back and become more earth, health and happiness conscious.

    There’s a spiritual awakening happening. Just the fact that you even know the word “zen” even if not correctly used in your sentence, says something.

  11. Bill Brasky says:

    “and hand Israel over to the Mohammedans”

    FFS tell me your joking…whats next – they’re our “only friends” in the region! Democracy durrr! your just jealous of those enterprising financiers! gawds chosen…durrrr

  12. I don’t see it. I think “the west” has reached peak materialism and people are starting to scale back and become more earth, health and happiness conscious.

    This is revelatory. The perception that the millennial generation, 30 somethings, are paring back materialism is the #coolestfadever. These sustainable ethnically ambiguous hipsters with cups of free trade coffee and plates of farm to fork foods with free range chickens, wearing soft hewn faded colored clothing with an occasional quasi-American Indian print tossed in…and lets not forget each and every one has a unique minimalist take on decor as well as personal grooming and they fancy tea I tell you….TEA in all forms…..THESE are the mad consumers of the day hidden behind the facade revealed in the post I quoted.

    When entire sections of mainstream grocers feature gluten free products I thought that was the harbinger. Then I saw the real foreshadow of impending doom. I was offered gluten free beer.

    I gotta had it to them for the self delusion though. Suffering from classic confirmation bias this cohort cannot be convinced of anything that would doesn’t fit the narrative. Easy to see why. The peer pressure must be enormous. We (my family) have a front row seat because we are middle aged and have college kids , but we also have a 9 year old. That plops us down in groups of these strange folks who try so hard to differentiate themselves they all end up the same.

    Hey, its nothing new. Same thing has been happening in one or another form since the 1950’s. And they all cannot see their own conformity. (I can still recall a day when describing someone as bald with a goatee and glasses would NARROW the field, now that may be the right image of man to send into space on a relief drawing)

    To see all of that, setting aside my tangents, as somehow a move away from materialism is folly. the foods alone cost multiples of their , er, uh, what……inorganic (there is no such thing as an inorganic food) cousins, and Starbucks growth demographic being right in the millennial sweet spot (and quite pedestrian don’t you think), having eggs and milk route delivered by local farmers able to triple the net net back price, these portend materialism gone underground and taking on an a form far more insidious and delusional than the old avarice and greed, which were openly embraced.

  13. Brian says:

    “Our great war is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives.”

    -Tyler Durden

    It’s remarkable how well Fight Club describes our current predicament. But unlike Tyler’s plan to “reset society,” Aurini’s proposal is much more apt: win the spiritual war at the individual level and thereby push the world towards a better future than the one currently projected.

    His name is Davis Aurini! lol.

  14. coinopp says:

    I’ve been waiting for you to mention Neuromancer. William Gibson I do read, tell us more.

  15. Parajeet says:

    “This is revelatory. The perception that the millennial generation, 30 somethings, are paring back materialism is the #coolestfadever.”

    Well that’s not my perception. Nice projecting though.

    I actually had older people in mind because in the circles I find myself, it is they, not “millennials” who are doing the work. The millennials in this crowd are fewer and are slowly learning from the elders.

    Like you noted, mainstream millennials tend to be materialistic and trendy.

    But there is growing number of alternative intentional communities eschewing that.

    That is what I’m seeing in my travels. Its like two parallel train tracks.

  16. Parajeet says:

    Aurini, I recently listened to a podcast you participated in and I have a few questions.

    1. You said we have to expose Democrats as the “out group” and make fun of them when given the chance. Yet Dems are not the out group, they are the majority. No amount of playground antics is going to change that. Besides, I’m surprised to find you under the illusion that there is any difference between the two parties and they something more than just figureheads for the multi-trillion dollar corporations who run this country. I thought you took the “red pill”?

    2. Towards the end of the podcast you said, paraphrased, “I just want to point out how civilized this conversation has gone compared to ‘the left’ or ‘SJWs’ or whatever who articulate only in the most vile ways when discussing issues”. But its to be noted that earlier in the podcast you became perturbed and lashed out calling a perceived out group “little shits”. I’m wondering why you reserve your civility for your own in group and don’t extend that to others which would be the true sign of civility?

    3. You used a word in the podcast that alluded to your vision of your in group taking the moral high ground. The word escapes me now, but it was a good one. While I appreciate your claim to focus on the individual refinement of each man and your claim to be interested in raising the bar of discourse and culture, it doesn’t seem that you are implementing any of that practically if you are still swallowing the Kool Aid of separatism.

    Beyond the cosmetic arguments and quarrells (that the media manufactures for you and you accept carte blanche, just like they want) there is a thread of interconnectedness between all.
    The real moral high ground is to rise above the muck and nurture that interconnectedness for a higher perspective and benefit for all.

    That is the purpose of spirituality which even atheists recognize as a human need.

  17. Parajeet says:

    4. One more question: why do foreigners use America as their example all the time? There are no democrats or republicans in Canada so why are you obsessed with them? I’ve noticed on youtube that when non-Americans are comparing stats from different countries they compare the stats of say Nigeria to the US, not Nigeria to their own countries. And they do so as if they are American citizens speaking on behalf of their own country. Then you find out somewhere along the line that the person is not American and may never have even been to the US. Why is this?

    Correction and addition:

    ” Besides, I’m surprised to find you under the illusion that there is any difference between the two parties and they something more than just figureheads for the multi-trillion dollar corporations who run this country”

    Should read:

    ” Besides, I’m surprised to find you under the illusion that there is any difference between the two parties and they something more than just figureheads for the multi-trillion dollar corporations who run this country – and by extension control the entire world”.

    OK I may have just answered my own question above!!!

    PS: You said in your podcast that your in group of men will be the ones projecting a happy, healthy, more ethical persona onto the world but if you seek to create “out groups” and separation by acting passive-aggressive bullyish “A man cut me off in traffic. He must be a Democrat!” … it just comes off unhappy, argumentative, fight-pickingish. Again, take the true moral high ground, which is a metaphysical one.

  18. Parajeet says:

    Aurini is this true about Canadians?

    Mare • 3 years ago

    “My supervisor is from China. She very casually mentioned one day that she had had three abortions, the way you would say three root canals. I’m strongly pro-choice, but as Canada is basically a conservative country, it was still very shocking to hear it. I know that sounds odd, but as polite Canadians, we permit things on a legal level that we may not necessarily discuss freely at the lunch table for fear of offending our more conservative peers. Another example – gay weddings are legal, but it still may raise eyebrows if you say you went to one.”

  19. Christopher says:

    “March on Christian soldiers”

    Are you saying we a need a revival of Christianity? How does Christianity relate to the Neuromancer?

  20. John says:

    Politicians and the mass media are disguising an Economic War as a race war. Many black communities are in poverty. There are even more non-black communities in poverty. Yet, there are only film crews in the black neighborhoods.

    The media works diligently to convince Americans of every ethnicity that it’s Black vs. White. In truth, it’s the Wealthy using mass psychology on the rest of us. If they can polarize the masses into groups, we can be controlled. To the controllers, it’s not even about increasing their wealth; it’s about maintaining their control.

    Is this method of control immoral or simply human nature. Likely, if any one of us were born into one of these wealthy families, we would do the same.

  21. ken gold says:

    Great article and interesting predictions. i will look at in a year again

  22. Jim James says:

    J, thats not being totally accurate on your observations of Martin.

    You are picking up your info ; dates etc from his free blog. Have you purchased a report? Within in that it specifies what points to watch at what time periods. Of cpurse he isnt going to fully set all this , in some cases hundreds of pages , timing and turning points for free in his blog. ( shakes head )

    Also the incredible complexity sorted to arrive at a conclusion is via a computer program and artificial intelligence. So personal opinion influencing the output is quite limited.

    Anyhow let him stand on his record which is out there to see..he is not those one shot wonders.. he keeps nailing it to an incredible degree.

    Aaaand , the mainstream press hates him cause he exposes the corruption in the Judicial system and Big Banks.

  23. Jim James says:

    Update : another correct big prediction , including the timing , comes true. Swiss abandon Euro peg. The Euro is doomed.
    ( also the man who called for Russia to invade Crimea as soon as the Olympics ended.)
    BTW he wasnt the only one to predict events accurately. He states that ” political correctness” prevents many others from speaking up. Hmmm.. where else have we seen this before?

  24. Mark Citadel says:

    A fair assessment, though I would have some disagreements. The biggest being that organizations are not necessary and atomized Reactionaries can bring about some kind of low tidal revolution. Quite the contrary, I believe this year is the time to begin laying the groundwork for organizations. Meeting face to face with Reactionaries across the West, subversively recruiting and turning people onto Reactionary material. The ideal end goal for me would be the establishment of groups similar to Romania’s ‘Legion of the Archangel Micahel’ active in the interwar period, essentially a hybrid of a militia and a social organization.
    Our activity (depending on the global state of economics and geopolitics of course) would be focused on destroying and refuting Modernist propaganda, feeding fears and concerns by infiltrating common formats of communication, and inspiring zealotry for the heritage and Faith among a growing class of morally bereft people who are more often than ever saying they have “nothing to live for”. We essentially need to propagate extreme nationalism and historical identity, with a profound hatred for the elites of our society including politicians and media personalities. I predict we will be very successful with young people, as they will be hardest hit by what is coming.

    I will be posting a more detailed piece on this to my own blog, however I do think every Reactionary needs to kick it into high gear this year.

    As others have pointed out above, we may be running out of time. Indeed, you yourself say that an economic collapse is likely, and with the recent Swiss move on currency pegs, it would not surprise me. Its impossible to predict how fast we will descend down this oil slicked trap chute but I anticipate it may be faster than some are saying once the wave hits.

    Be well, brother. God bless.

  25. your_Worldview says:

    Your worldview; the comments – responses –

    Your worldview – their notions; responses –

  26. Manuel says:

    Funny… I thought you were supposed to be a racist. Never know it with writings like this.

    There is no race problem – but there are a lot of people gunning for a race war.

    Constant racial agitprop is disseminated by the mainstream media, and few are those who will believe their own lying eyes. Savages in academic circles are allied with savages in poor neighbourhoods, their only goal to perform violence under the banner of racial animus; everyone else believes the nonsense they argue in justification of this pointless violence. The victims are the civilized people of all races. It’s an alliance built upon envy.

    We may be defeating the Social Justice movement on the cultural level, but the machine of Hate and Blood and Smoke they’ve built is already up and running. We can prevent them from enacting the tyranny they so desire, but we can’t stop the cycles already underway.

    There’s going to be a lot more blood before this is through. I still think we can stop a full-blown race war, but it’s going to get ugly.

  1. December 31, 2014

    […] Source: Stares at the World […]

  2. April 18, 2015

    […] 5. Zionist. “The thing I hate most about seeing the powerful abuse the weak is knowing that the weak did something to deserve it.” (cf. Aurini’s exasperating remarks about the CIA being “aligned with the brighter-half of the morality meter” and the leftist establishment trying to “hand Israel over to the Mohammedans”) […]

  3. April 19, 2015

    […] lights have written on the subject of race relations. Davis M.J. Aurini, for instance, insists that “There is no race problem in America!” for the reason that there is “something magical […]

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