Fireproof (2008): Unpacking the Feminism [Video]

Fireproof is a 2008 film which tries to put out a positive, pro-marriage message.  While it has some good elements, it ultimately fails because of the attitude of “Women are Wonderful and can do no wrong”.  It winds up flipping the principles of Christian marriage on their head, and serves as a guideline for setting yourself up for divorce.  

Bechtloff’s review.
Dalrock’s reviews.

If you would like to make a video request, please visit the Aurini’s Insight page.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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7 Responses

  1. Michael says:

    Damn, having to sit through the whole movie and analyze it for review must have been pure agony. So. Much. Blue. Pill. I see now that my choice to play my Nintendo 3DS instead of watching it when it played at the USO tent in Afghanistan was a wise one…

  2. I saw a pre-screening of Fireproof, then when it caught on in the church, I had to sit through several replays. I got so sick of it. And it got ridiculously popular. Churches started hosting small groups based around Fireproof. And since I was in the early death throes of marriage to my ex-wife, I remember the message that the woman can do no wrong being very frustrating. I brought that up in one of those small groups, and got the Churchian “Well, you need to love your wife as Christ loves the church” response. Because Fireproof’s theology, like a woman, can do no wrong.

  3. Rei De Bastoni says:

    Very good analysis. I’m glad to see you growing in godliness as well.

    And the acting in those clips is beyond terrible.

  4. Davis M.J. Aurini says:

    >_< The film is over 2 hours long... so many scenes should have been left on the editing room floor.

  5. josh says:

    This analysis is uncanny. It’s like females have a universal playbook filled with lines that fuck with your sense of sanity. Sadly, I recognize many of the same female strategies and lines in my own failing marriage. ?

  1. August 31, 2015

    […] Fireproof (2008): Unpacking the Feminism [Video] […]

  2. August 31, 2015

    […] Source: Stares at the World […]

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