Paris Attacks, Islam, the Refugee Crisis, and Domestic Surveillance

Yesterday, Friday, November 13th, 2015, there was yet another terrorist attack in Paris.  Six different sites were attacked simultaneously, with a total of 150 dead according to the latest reports, and ISIS has claimed responsibility for it.

The Realpolitik of the Situation

A geopolitical understanding of this situation is necessary before moving forward; I highly recommend this article by Oil-Price.Net.  It’s brief and to the point, but also very in depth.  To sum up the major points:

  • The Middle East is currently aligned into two sphere; the American/Sunni sphere of Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Turkey, and the Russian/Shiite sphere of Iran/Iraq/Syria.
  • There are two potential pipelines that could be build to funnel oil and gas to Europe; both go through Syria, but one would terminate in Turkey, thus being controlled by America and Europe, the other in the Mediterranean, controlled by Russian interests.
  • The ISIS rebels in Syria are backed by Saudi Money and American weapons; the goal is to depose the Russian-friendly government with an American/Saudi friendly government.  This is one cause of the refugees.
  • The second cause of the refugees is Germany’s Merkel seeking cheap foreign labour.  Germany dominates the European economy due to its manufacturing, which in turn relies upon cheap, foreign labour; think “Texas housing market and Mexican labour”.  By some estimates, only 20% of the refugees actually come from Syria.

The meddling that’s going on in the Middle East (as well as domestically, selling out the future of our countries for the sake of a short-term economic boost – but we’ll get back to this) is nothing short of psychopathic.  Western countries have rejected God and the Mandate of Heaven; whether this be through deposing Monarchs, themselves subservient to God, or through undermining the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, both of which – without God – are nothing but pieces of paper.  Instead of an Absolute Truth that will hold all of us – Princes and Pauper alike – accountable for our choices, we’ve descended to a level of Relative Truth, through the fickle and misinformed opinion of the voting masses.  Surfing on top of this sea of stupidity are the policy makers, who operate on a level of Objective Truth – AKA Realpolitik.  Keep the masses placated with Welfare programs and the rhetoric of a state-controlled media, while treating the world like a chess board devoid of morality.  Peoples and countries are nothing more than puppets to have their strings pulled.

There is no sense of moral duty or higher purpose to these policy makers; it’s the classic example of men who know the price of everything and the value of nothing.  Each time they pull at a puppet-string they unknowingly tax the web of moral value that is universal to mankind.  Each time they cheat they make justice that much more expensive.  They might be aware of the primary and secondary effects of their actions – they are excellent chess players, after all – but there’s a tertiary effect, a weakening of decency and honour, a rejection of justice and fair play, which follows their machinations.  Rather than moving us to a state of higher civility they’re descending us to the level of the brutish savage.

Islam, Jihad, and Terrorism

It is becoming increasingly obvious to the population at large that Islam is not a “Religion of Peace”, rather it is a political directive known as Sharia which masquerades as a religion; it promotes war, torture, rape, slavery, ignorance, and death.

The methodology of Islam hasn’t changed since its founder; when it is weak it exploits the goodwill of others, and then turns on them when it has grown strong.  In Mohamed’s case, after getting kicked out of his home town of Mecca, he sought refuge with the Jews of Medina.  He slowly grew the strength of his cult, and then turned on his hosts, murdering and enslaving them, and then turned Medina into a base of operations to raid and assault other nearby tribes.

Over the past 1300 years, we’ve only seen a brief respite from Islamic terrorism during the 19th and early 20th centuries, when the Western Empires rose to their height, and eliminated the slave trade that Muslims relied upon to replace their own, ignorant population in matters of engineering and science.  Then we shattered our confidence with a foolish and unnecessary World War, and its inevitable sequel; we forgot who the ancient enemy of Christians, Jews, Hindus, and Africans truly was, and reached out a hand in friendship.

The scorpion is now stinging the frog.

The upheaval in the Middle East wouldn’t be happening without the psychopathic Realpolitik manipulations of the policy makers, but do not mistake the Mohammedans for a people just like any other.  The book they follow threatens Hell to anybody who thinks about the writing, prescribes an eternal war against all others, promotes a relationship between men and women that is abusive to both, and demands that its adherents engage in lies and hypocrisies.

This is not to say that all Muslims are the demons that Mohamed wanted them to be; all lies must be founded upon a truth, after all, and there are many passages within the Koran that contain wisdom.  It is possible to cherry-pick and live virtuously.  However, even these Muslims are at risk of becoming radicalized – and if not them, their children.  One drop of sewage turns a bottle of wine into sewage, and when put into context, what little wisdom there is, becomes subservient to the cause of evil.

The fact that Western Civilization – Christendom – has been behaving so unctuously only makes this conversion that much easier.

State Control and Loss of Freedoms

Following the 9/11 attacks, the Bush regime pushed the PATRIOT act through Congress, the NSA was empowered to spy on the citizenry even more, police forces were militarized with APCs and explosives, and airport security was upgraded, becoming increasingly invasive by the year.

These security measures have done little to increase our security, if they’ve done anything at all.  Airport security hasn’t prevented a single attack on our airlines.  The best way to find newly-radicalized terrorists in training is to infiltrate radicalized groups, to seek out those who are throwing up flags, rather than casting a wide net with tens of thousands, if not millions of potential suspects.  And the militarization of the police has done nothing to stop terrorists, not these recent attacks in Paris, not the Boston bombers, none of them.

All that has been accomplished is that people are becoming acclimatized to authoritarianism.

The leaders of our countries have no sense of moral duty, or commitment to the national ideals, not even to the basic survival or the people themselves.  While the policy makers might be working on an objective chess game, they only look at the broad strokes of power; they work behind the scenes, drawing up plans and schemes to control the oil here, or rig an election there.  The out-front leadership is playing a political game of power and manipulation, they only seek out their own survival at all costs.

France was scheduled to have an election in a few weeks where the right-wing nationalist party was poised to overthrow the left-wing internationalists headed up by President Francois Hollande; these attacks come at a very opportune time.  Hollande has declared a state of war, suspending the upcoming election, and likely rallying support from the French people.

“You don’t change horses mid-stream”, even when it’s the current President who got France into this mess in the first place.

Expect further erosion of civil liberties through the Western world as the left-wing leaders that the ignorant populations have voted into power seek out new ways to control and manipulate the population.  Just look at the fallout that occurred after the Charlie Hebdo attack; rather than defending freedom of speech, the French government arrested an artist named Zeon for creating caricatures that offended the National Bureau of Monitoring of Anti-Semitism.

The Muslims are attacking our freedoms – and they’re winning.


  1. The recent terrorist attack, the immigrant crisis, our war machine’s failure to defend Christians in the Middle East or set up stable, civilian governments – these are all the results of a foreign policy that ignores the concept of virtue and just governance.
  2. Islam is our historic enemy; these attacks are nothing new.  It cannot be negotiated with, it can only be cowed into submission.  Mohammedans behave civilly when they are weak, and stab you in the back when they are strong.
  3. The leftist tyrants will use these attacks to cow the population; to keep people in a high-state of tension, where they’ll seek out the security of an apparently powerful government.
  4. “Apparently powerful” – the power of the security state is reliant upon keeping the people weak, confused, disconnected, and afraid.  The biggest threat to Hollande, Merkel, Obama, et cetera, is not Islamic invaders, but red blooded patriots.  Men who are organized, who have stable careers, who have a wives and children who need defending – these are the sorts of men who would deter terrorists, and terrorize the left wing tyrants.  Expect further attacks on independence, the family, children, and men in particular.
  5. There will be more terrorist attacks, and the Western governments won’t be doing anything to stop them.  150 dead is a cheap price to pay for a terrorized and obedient populace.

It is important that we remember who our enemies are – foreign and domestic.  That we organize into groups of virtuous, honourable men, willing to defend one another and our nation state.  That we call out those in the corrupted media organizations who spread state-backed lies, and that we do all in our power to return our nations to a state of sanity, and eject the Mohammedan threat.

Keep your powder dry.


Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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7 Responses

  1. ‘Reality’ Doug says:

    On the first bullet point you mean American/Sunni and Russian/Shiite alliances. On the second you mean could be built. The circus alliances don’t matter. This is Hegelian dialectic. Pick your poison: (a) a Western and globalizing police state or (b) a Western and globalizing Islamic state. I can’t stress enough how DGAF is relevant. Now is not the time. Our-religion-is-better-than-yours Absolute Truth is not a fix IMO, but roll it out in elegant detail if you’ve got it. A viable rebuild will be from scratch and use more rational materials. Our level of tech does not allow lesser ideologies to work progressively (lowercase ‘p’). Most everyone is tainted with corruption, and I can’t rule out myself, but supernatural perfection is only the standard of guilt trips.

  2. ‘Reality’ Doug says:

    I see the pic at the end: “THEY ALLOWED THIS”. Allowed? Starts with ‘t’, ends with ‘n’, and it’s the reason for the season.

    Necessity of copy and paste of URL is Intentional.

  3. Guy says:

    DMJ, when summarizing the OilPrice article, in the first bullet point did you mix up which axis the Sunni and Shiite are aligned with? I thought Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Turkey were Sunni

  4. Davis M.J. Aurini says:

    @Guy My bad, error corrected.

  5. Mark Thibodeau says:

    Doug, what was that PDF meant to imply?

  1. November 14, 2015

    […] Paris Attacks, Islam, the Refugee Crisis, and Domestic Surveillance […]

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