Has #GamerGate been Thoroughly Cucked?

There’s nothing I love more than getting hate from the left.  They say you can judge a man by his enemies, and in my case they’re a bunch of sneaky ethno-masochists who desperately cling to whatever ideologies are deemed fashionable at the moment.  Five years ago they were upset by my “sexism”, but now that anti-feminism has become fashionable they’re scrabbling to find something – anything! – else to use as an excuse.

Haters gonna hate, after all.

But what I find interesting is the sheer volume of hatred I inspire; in the grand scheme of things I’m a small fry, and yet places like “Rational” Wiki have pages dedicated to little ol’ me.  Something about about the way I write and speak triggers them, and their reaction is out of proportion to my influence.  I’ll refrain from speculating on what it is precisely that has them so upset (I don’t want to be self-congratulatory) but if I’m receiving this much flak, I must be over the target.

The latest bit of hatred comes from an amusing source: the GamerGate Wiki. (Archived version of the page here.)

Perhaps this surprises you, gentle reader.  After all, I’m the guy who:

  1. First broke the story about Anita Sarkeesian’s San Francisco Death Threat claims, and how the SFPD hadn’t heard from her.
  2. First reported on the bomb threat made against GGinDC.
  3. Managed to film a GamerGate-related documentary despite being under-budget.
  4. Deliberately chose a partner with left-leaning views to prevent right-wing bias.
  5. Finished the documentary and released it for free, despite having no funding or support.

After all of that, you’d think they’d be thanking me.  I put myself out there for the cause, did what I promised to do, and supported my comrades in arms the whole way through.  Well, I’m sorry to tell you folks, but the GamerGate movement has been taken over by lefties.

“Ethics in Games Journalism!” is their banner, which given their present state is deeply ironic.  Ethics are ultimately an internal moral code; something one adheres to, whether or not there’s anyone watching.  Liberal r-strategists recognize no such code.  “Ethical” to them is whatever they can get away with, and the only true crime is getting caught in hypocrisy.

Which is why I bothered to write this piece after noticing the traffic they’d sent my ways (thanks, guys!); the people who claim to support “Ethics in Games Journalism” think it’s okay to write false, defamatory statements on their own wiki.

Davis M.J. Aurini is a blogger and former infantry soldier from the Canadian Forces [citation needed]. He’s a self-published author , white supremacist[1], reactionary monarchist, conspiracy theorist[2] self-described “marketing stategist (sic) and political consultant,”[3] and entrepreneur[citation needed]. He works on the SarkeesianEffect project together with Jordan Owen.

Citation Needed: cute tactic, but my LinkedIn profile is citation No. 3, and it confirms all of this; heck, that’s where the writer got all this information in the first place.

White Supremacist: that’s funny; I’ve been a vocal opponent of all forms of ethnic supremacy, whether it be White, Black, or Jewish.  Ah, but I acknowledge the mountains of scientific data that the races are all different and unique (and therefore, worthy of preservation, not extermination).  Saying (as Queen Victoria said to the East Indian company) that India has the right to remain Indian is some form of Hate Speech, apparently.

Conspiracy Theorist: I love this one – they link to my video “Why Monarchy” as proof of my conspiratorial nature.  At first I couldn’t figure this one out, until I realized that I had mentioned the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism.  C’mon guys, the real Wikipedia is as pink as the inside of a watermelon, and even they acknowledge that a defined historical group who published papers actually – you know – existed!  Or is that a false history?  Did the Koch Brothers conspire with the wikipedia editors to make the whole thing up?  Hmm?

Later they provide the following quote:

…spent seven years serving as an Infantry soldier in Canada’s military reserve[citation needed], where he claims to have first been taught that women are “morally inferior… Monsters.”[4]

The article they cited was my 2010 piece “Gender, Rape, and Equality“, where I point out subtle misogyny of Feminist-inspired date rape laws; that the premise of “She was drunk, so she couldn’t consent,” implies that women are morally inferior to men.  Far from arguing that women are morally inferior, I was accusing Feminists of holding that view!

Furthermore – oh, and this is a juicy one, folks – the words “morally inferior” don’t appear anywhere in that article.  Not only did the writer of this hit-piece misrepresent the article itself; he manufactured a quote which didn’t even exist!  Ethics in games journalism – but not in defamatory wiki articles!

So if you’ve been wondering if GamerGate has been cucked, here’s your proof.  These jokers should be apologizing, and thanking me for all the work I’ve done; heck, the most popular voices in GamerGate are just repeating stuff I was saying about Feminism back in 2010.  But of course they won’t, and really it’s no skin off of my teeth whether they do or they don’t.

I merely state it for the record.  So that, at the end of their lives, when they’re confronting Saint Peter at the pearly gates, there can be no excuse, no claim of ignorance.  They know that what they did was unethical, and yet they did it anyway.

Rule #3, folks: SJWs always double down.  GamerGate now embraces the exact same ethos as the enemies it claims to fight.  Nietzsche, abyss, monsters.  Never trust a Leftist… and remember that “Moderate” is just another word for Liberal.


Note: I also received some traffic from this great blog, but aside from recommending that you check him out, I have little else to say.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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4 Responses

  1. Dried Beans
    5 lbs Hamburger
    Canned Stewed Tomatoes
    12 pk Sprite
    10 for 10 frozen Pizzas

  2. fred says:

    Well, its a wiki, get your people to fix it.
    Most people don’t edit the wiki, just how it is, even fewer know it exists at this point since gamergate sites have a habit of getting razed to the ground by malicious idiots and just autistic idiots.

  3. Edwin Oslan says:

    I don’t know much about the world of GamerGate or video games, just you documentary immersed in subversion and what I’ve read about Anit Sarkeesian and Zoey Quinn, but I would wager that, rather being “cucked”, since GamerGate didn’t strike me as a strictly right of center political movement, and more just a “let me look at nekkid chicks, you dumb bitches” movement, that the second they saw someone that transgresses, or at least they think, transgressive “acceptable” behavior, they threw that person under the bus. In other words, it’s great that you all of this to defend free speech, but the second you express actual views that the free speech is mean to defend, they get butthurt and throw you under the bus. Everyone wants to claim to be “un-PC” until they’re confronted with actually challenging views.

  4. Nailed it, Edwin. I’m planning to expand on the division of post-modernists, modernists, and traditionalists. The modernists oppose the post-modernists, and they seem like they’d make good allies because of what they claim to support, but in the end they resort to the same tactics at the post-modernists do; they’re just as bad.

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