Stanford Rape: Unpacking the Shibboleths

Brock Turner

By now you’ve heard all about it.  It’s been on every news channel, every talk radio station, and it’s been plastered across social media.  A young man by the name of Brock Turner has become “the face of sexual assault on campus”.  His assault on Emily Doe has been touted as the highest form of white privilege and proof of the systemic rape culture on college campuses; the Judge’s leniency is just another example of Stanford alums working together to pervert justice.

But there’s a lot more going on here than a college hook-up gone wrong.

Remember that when any sort of news goes viral like this the story is the story.  How?  Whom?  Why?  There’s a lot to unpack here, but first, let’s dismiss some of the hysteria by focusing on the facts.

What actually happened?

The following details are undisputed.  On Saturday, January 17th, 2015, Emily Doe attended a frat party with her sister.  While there, she began dancing and making out with Turner.  Her sister left the party to escort another drunken friend home.  At approximately 12:35 AM Sunday morning, she and Turner left the party, and she phoned her boyfriend to leave a drunken voice mail.  Later estimates would place her blood alcohol levels at 0.24 and his at .171.  20 minutes later, a couple of Swedish grad students noticed Turner on top of her motionless form; he stood up as they approached, before they made their presence known to him.  They questioned what he was doing, and attempted to put him in a headlock, at which point he ran.  Turner would later tell the police that he penetrated her digitally at some point during that 20 minute span, and the medical evidence confirmed this.

Those are the undisputed facts.  The disputed facts are the following: Turner claims that Doe walked with him to the dumpster consensually, that she stumbled and they began making out on the ground.  That he asked for permission to finger her and she said yes.  Then he stopped, stumbled away to vomit, and when he returned she had passed out in the interim.

The state charged him with the following crimes, and he was found guilty of all three:

  1. Sexual Penetration of an Intoxicated Woman
  2. Sexual Penetration of an Unconscious Woman
  3. Assault with Intent to Commit Rape

The presiding Judge, Aaron Persky, took the jury’s verdict and gave Turner a reduced sentence; six months, which was immediately reduced to four on account of good behaviour.  He will be a registered sex offender for the rest of his life.

Was he innocent of these crimes?  Not of the first, certainly; though given Doe’s admitted history of alcoholism, she’s almost certainly been digitally penetrated while intoxicated in the past.  The other two are less certain.  He claims she was conscious and consenting when he penetrated her, and as of yet, no evidence aside from the Swedes’ presumptions has been released which indicates that he was planning a rape.

That said, all of the information hasn’t been released to the public yet.  The LA Times has created an online resource of all the documents released thus far, but the court transcript is not amongst them.

Based on the evidence I could see it going either way; it could be the case of a drunken hook-up gone wrong, where she passed out while in a blackout state (but not yet showing clear evidence of being inebriated), and upon realizing this Turner ceased his amorous behaviour.  Alternatively, Turner could be a predator, a monster who takes advantage of those who’ve had too much to drink, and the remorse he expressed was nothing more than the tears of a crocodile.

“He told the probation officer that he “didn’t want to victimize her at all,” the report reads.

Turner also relayed to the officer that, “that was just my attorney and his way of approaching the case. I didn’t want to degrade her in any way. I regret that. I’m sorry for her having to go through this entire process and having to even think about this for a second, all because of my actions that night. I can’t believe I imposed such suffering on her and I’m so sorry.”

Following his conviction, two of his High School friends – Lydia Pocisk and Katie Sickinger – posted public defences of his character (click the thumbnails to read them in full).


Also of interest was a statement made by the victim to Turner’s probation officer:

“I want him to be punished, but as a human, I just want him to get better,” the victim said, according to the probation officer’s report. “I don’t want him to feel like his life is over and I don’t want him to rot away in jail; he doesn’t need to be behind bars.”

She would later claim that this statement was taken out of context.

As things stand, a great deal is left unknown to the general public.  We do not know if the jury had proof of Turner’s intent to rape, beyond a reasonable doubt.  The Judge knew even more than the jury, and we cannot say if his move towards leniency was because of a shared background with the defendant, or because of other, unrevealed details.  What is known about the case appears to fall short of the burden of proof we expect in criminal court, but there is much that still remains to be seen.

What isn’t being discussed

There is an elephant in the room that nobody in the mainstream media is discussing: campus hook-up culture.

Schools like Stanford advertise themselves as party schools; $60,000 a year to get drunk and party.  Kids fresh out of High School find themselves in an environment where binge-drinking is the norm, where sex is described as fun and empowering, and where long-term relationships and marital commitment are derided for being lame at best, or ‘patriarchal slavery’ at worst.  The HBO sitcom Girls picked up where Sex in the City left off, treating sex as nothing more than a consumer good, a lifestyle choice that every enlightened Modern engages in frivolously.  The emotional fallout – let alone the physical complications of unplanned pregnancies and STDs – are either swept under the rung, or celebrated, with courageous single moms and journalists who “Shout their [Herpes] status!” raised up as positive examples, rather than unfortunate casualties of the unrestrained sexual market.

The result has been rising rates of alcoholism, reckless behaviour, and broken hearts, as young men and women attempt to pursue the cool life of hedonism that Hollywood promises them.

Rather than address the fact that this culture is unhealthy – not only is it a societal ill, leading to increasing rates of fatherlessness and the spread of disease, it is also a psychological ill, leaving many women feeling used after the fun is over – the response has been to paper-over the damage with new legislative bodies and affirmative consent laws.  These solutions do nothing to prevent or correct the damage which has already occurred; instead, they exacerbate the situation.

Slogans like “Listen and Believe” and “Yes Means Yes” do nothing to comfort a victim – whether it be a victim of sexual assault or her own bad choices – after the damage has been done.  By making this promise of legal support, however, women are encouraged to be more reckless in their behaviour; to be less cautious about whom they get drunk with, to be more libidinous than they otherwise might, and to scapegoat either men or alcohol when they wind up doing something stupid, which they knew was a bad idea at the time.

This isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.

Feminists and socialists require a constant stream of victims to justify their existence.  It’s the classic case of “break your legs, then sell you the crutch”.  When it comes to violent crime, college campuses in America are the safest places on planet Earth.  Forcible rape is all but unheard of (despite canards such as the “1 in 4” claim), and the women who attend are amongst the wealthiest and most privileged human beings who have ever lived.  How do you turn such people into victims?

You encourage them to act irresponsibly, and you promote situations where mating instincts run high, and self control runs low.  You deliberately ignore human nature, and set them up to fail.  This is how they create more clientele; and the mainstream media is just as reliant upon this as the Campus Crisis Centres.

Convenient coincidences

dauber-headshot-1Michele Dauber is a Stanford Law Professor whose name keeps coming up in connection to this case.  She has long been an advocate for introducing tougher sexual assault policies on campus, she has argued for the presumption of guilt rather than innocence in such situations, and claims to be a long-time family-friend of the Doe family.  She has taken charge of the media campaign, promoting Emily Doe’s 7000 word Victim Impact Statement (a suspiciously well-written and emotionally manipulative document), she published the statement from Turner’s father (a short, and poorly-worded statement), she’s arranged a donation drive to financially benefit Emily, and she spearheaded the movement to remove Judge Persky.

Awfully lucky that she just happened to know Emily.

Irrespective of Turner’s guilt or innocence, she’s taken advantage of the situation to push her agenda.  She’s using the mob to attack the judiciary; not just threatening Persky, but all who sit on the bench.  Comply with our narrative or you will be expelled.  She’s actively campaigning to have this story reported on as widely as possible, trying to inflate whatever crime might have been committed into proof of a pervasive ‘rape culture’, which then justifies a suspension of justice.  She is taking advantage of this crisis to push an agenda which utterly contradicts all of the legal foundations of this country.

Feminists have recently suffered a number of prominent embarrassments.  Desperate to justify the made up “1 in 4 women on College Campuses are raped” statistic, they’ve promoted a number of stories which were later proven false: Emma Sulkowicz AKA “Mattress Girl”, Rolling Stone’s UVA hoax, Lena Dunham’s accusations against Barry – each of them was eventually discredited, demonstrating the media’s complicity in promoting false accusations.

Feminists have been looking for the Great White Criminal since before 2006, when the Duke Rape Hoax ruined the lives of several young men.  Employing a Marxist heuristic which views the world through the lens of race, sex, and privilege, they have been hell bent on blaming the world’s problems on a patriarchal conspiracy; the only problem has been a dearth of rapists who are both White and upper class.  In Turner, they finally have their man, the proof they’ve been looking for, the evidence for the “Old Boy’s Club” that’s been plotting against women since time began.

Qui Bono?

Dauber might be the one taking charge of promoting this story, but she’s not without allies, even if they’ve never met.  Her advocacy aligns with the interests of many powerful people.

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have a vested interest in seeing this story promoted.  Whistle blowers have recently exposed what many have suspected for a while, that companies such as Facebook, Google, Youtube, and Twitter have been massaging the news feeds, injecting stories that promote the Left, while censoring and no-platforming people on the Right.  They’ve been working hand-in-hand with the European Union, to promote its unaccountable state bureaucracy, at the expense of self-determination for its constituent states. “Empowering” women by making them dependent upon a state apparatus is a major part of their goals, and this story feeds into that.

Then you have the upcoming Presidential election.

As absurd as it sounds, this story might just be the piece of rhetoric that undermines Trump.  Hillary Clinton has climbed on board with the “Believe All Women” crowd (which is ironic, given her history of threatening and blackmailing those who accused her husband of raping them), and she is networking with those who are promoting the media hysterics.  Simultaneously, she’s promoting the image of Trump as a Nazi, because of his German heritage, which is then used by the mob to justify further acts of violence against his supporters.

Nazis and Rapists are groups that we’re all allowed to hate, after all.

Is Donald Trump a Crypto-Nazi rape-advocate?

When did you stop beating your wife?

The constant promotion of this story across all news channels, the viral boost being offered by Facebook and Twitter, and the universal condemnation by those on both the Left and the Right, has set up a dialogue where there is only one right answer: Listen and Believe.  Anything short of that will be interpreted as supporting rape, victim blaming, and White male nepotism.

Consider for a moment some recent stories which aren’t being looped on repeat by the mainstream media:

Each of these stories is downright horrific, far worse than what Emily Doe suffered, and yet they’ve received nowhere near the same sort of air-time; in many cases the media seems to have intentionally buried them.  That’s because they all suggest a narrative that the mainstream doesn’t want to endorse; facts and statistics be damned, the biggest threat to Peace in Our Time is dastardly White men!

This is not an accident; this is not a result of ideological bias; this is not a case of “Man Bites Dog” making a better headline; what we are seeing is intentional, organized, and very well funded.

Brock Turner could be as guilty as the day is long; he could be a serial predator who gets off on abusing drunk women; his friends and family could all be naive fools who bought into his fake persona, and the Judge could be a misogynistic Good Old Boy who thinks a woman should be forced to marry her rapist.  Even if all of that were true, it doesn’t explain, nor does it justify, the prominence this story has achieved.  Even if you believe the worst about everyone involved, this is still nothing more than an isolated event; one creepy college kid, and one crooked judge, neither of which demonstrates systemic misogyny or oppression.

In fact, the reaction of the two Swedes who intervened proves that their isn’t a campus rape culture.

The only systemic oppression is that coming from the Left; the silencing of conservative voices, the elimination of tenure, the promotion of mob violence over the rule of law: there is an organized, totalitarian movement here in the West, and it’s not the peaceful attendees of Trump rallies who are aping the tactics of the Brown Shirts.

The story is the story.  Only Turner will ever truly know whether he is guilty or innocent; for the rest of us, their drunken fumbling is ultimately irrelevant – except that it isn’t.  Because it’s a story, it’s a story.  Suggest he might be innocent, and you support rape.  Suggest that affirmative consent is problematic, and you support rape.  Remain silent – and you support rape!  There is only one acceptable shibboleth, and that is to condemn him as a vile rapist, even if he was never even accused of committing rape in the first place.

This is the conversation you are allowed to have.  Try and talk about anything else, and, well…

When did you stop beating your wife???

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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9 Responses

  1. 'Reality' Doug says:

    By taking the beta bait of the details of the case, you imprison yourself in the IMF frame for outright losers. I stopped reading after I read the basic facts of the case. You have lost before you even begin. You may think Sun Tzu and win on logic in a private abstraction, but they feel Sun Tzu and win on rhetoric made ruling flesh. You win in an imagination land, but they win in the real world. They are playing chess-level riddle of steel. You are a guard dog on credit that will never be repaid: tick, tock, tick, tock. If you won’t be a SJW per checkers-level, you will create a diversion and harmlessly bleed your vitality into the bottomless well that gives not a shit.

    Shames his life is ruined as a scarlet letters ‘sex offender’. I doubt he would or will even consider reframing that abusive label into a credential of being an alpha bad ass, but Zimmerman seems to have shown that that sort of thing can be done. Dear guard dog, let the weak ones fail. You are fighting for the wrong posterity, even if you are fighting this way for your own.

    If this global shit test creates a distilled masculine greatness, as amoral evolution is wont to do with dynamic ecological balance (homeostasis) by feedback loops, the next leading patriarchy and civilization will be fucking phenomenal. It had better be. We are about to dispose of ourselves by making a superior form of life, AI. The AI without the ego stroking imperative will win easily against the life with it.

    To be part of something greater than yourself is to never be a part of something great at all. Exogenous greatness is never truly known and never truly owned. If you understood what women do and what men are sexy to women, you would not be so quick to guard ‘the public’ and chase government-approved petting.

    Who is Smedley Butler?

  2. Tom Arrow says:

    You said it already, but what kind of proof is a single instance of this. So many rapes by immigrants, nobody speaks of.

    Are there actual laws about penetrating a ‘woman’? Not ‘person’? To me that sounds pretty matriarchal. Gee, those damn cunts.

  3. Read the rest of it, Doug; the reason I covered the facts of the case is because most people are way too emotional about this. Once you outline what actually happened, they calm down enough to stop reacting.

  4. 'Reality' Doug says:

    So you are playing babysitter to ‘explain’ things? What if the humans that don’t need ‘explaining’ took care of themselves and started winning? They would conquer the resources and the gene pool. Think of what you would get out of your social interactions in a society of mentally reliable, culturally progressive people (and I used a lowercase ‘p’).

  5. Tiger Shark says:

    The lesson to be learned by young men is to avoid women in college.

    It would have been far better for Brock Turner to have been secretly masterbating to internet port. As much as the manosphere defines young men who engage in these activities as losers, he would at least have kept his life on track.

    Despite the outcry against his seemingly light sentence, his life and future prospects are for all intents and purposes ruined and ruined forever. He’ll be lucky to get a job stacking wood in the local lumber yard. As for marriage to a good woman. Forget it.

    From what I understand, Jane Doe’s victim impact statement directly contradicts much of the so-called evidence against Brock and yet he is still figuratively lynched.

    The best advice then for men attending college is to:

    Stay away from the ladies! Have nothing to do with them! Nothing whatsoever!

  6. Tidal Wave says:

    I cant help but be amused that two swedes do a better job of protecting Canadian women from one white man in Canada than they do of protecting many Swedish women from mobs of non white men in Sweden.

  1. June 18, 2016

    […] Stanford Rape: Unpacking the Shibboleths […]

  2. June 18, 2016

    […] unrelated, I commented on “Stanford Rape: Unpacking the Shibboleths” dated 18 June 2016 and by Davis Aurini. He thinks his post is important in the heroic fight to […]

  3. June 20, 2016

    […] Source: Stanford Rape: Unpacking the Shibboleths – Stares at the World […]

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