The New Direction of my Work

Like many of you I’ve spent a lot of the past year reflecting upon my life, looking back on my failures and successes. Re-evaluating them from different perspectives, to see if any of it made sense. Questioning what I was doing with my online presence – even whether I should keep doing it at all. After years of dealing with Internet “personalities”, quitting sounded like a fantastic idea.

Ultimately I decided to stay – but I can no longer behave haphazardly as I did in the past. My writing and content needs a direction, one which is beginning to crystallize in my mind, and this post is to explain where I’m going, what you can expect, as well as to consider some of the errors I’ve made in the past.

Rule # 1: No Entangling Friendships or Alliances

Nothing kills the scene faster than it becoming ‘recognized’ as a particular scene. This goes for music, and it goes doubly so for politics. Once it has a label it’s not an idea any more, it’s just an ideology – and ideologies are designed for the lowest common denominator.

The problem with publicly joining a group is three-fold. First, the group probably has a lot of secondary beliefs and opinions which you don’t jive with. You’re forced to pay lip service to these beliefs whether you agree with them or not, to defend them, and to be accused as guilty of holding them no matter what you think on your own. Second, the group can change leadership. Maybe you joined when it was about opposing the corporate take-over of culture; but now it’s all about setting fire to garbage cans, and you’re still a member whether you like it or not. Third – and this is the best reason to avoid public organizations – most of the people in it are there because of some sort of personal defect, the stated cause is secondary. The sort of people who join political or ideological movements are the sort of people who are too toxic to join something normal like a bowling league or the SCA. They’ll trumpet their beliefs to the high heavens, but ultimately they’re just seeking after social acceptance – but because of their neurotic behaviour, they turn the movement into their own personal toilet.

I don’t think I need to name names. I’m hitched my wagon to plenty of broken individuals in the past, partly out of pity, partly out of a misplaced sense of loyalty, and I’m still paying for it to this day. Getting involved in politics especially is one of my great regrets. Henceforth I write what I write, I say what I say, and just because I retweeted someone doesn’t mean I endorse what they do in their personal life.

I’ve got no interest in movements – particularly the movements that I helped kickstart, but these days are nothing but a sticker on the side of a lunch box.

Rule #2: No Gossip, No Problems, Just Solutions

Those who can do, those who can’t gossip.

You and I have better things to do with our lives than hear about the latest stupid thing that someone said, or the latest scandal surrounding so-and-so. It’s nothing but gossip, and it’s a waste of time. Granted, it takes mental effort to not allow yourself to get drawn into these things, but ultimately these are just people who got bullied in High School, and now they’re trying to relive the experience, only this time they’re the bullies. When people hide behind screens, the only winning move is not to play.

Iteration number two: the “disprove somebody stupid” article. They’re stupid. Who cares? Waste of time. Nor will I engage int he purity spiralling that seems so prevalent these days – ‘punching upwards’ at somebody more popular than you, by complaining that they aren’t perfect.

Iteration number three: “society is so unfair!” Yes, society’s a mess, the government’s corrupt, modern music is terrible, and dating sucks. Welcome to 2020. Whining about it doesn’t get us anywhere, and everybody knows it already.

It’s tempting to be a petty little know-it-all, or get embroiled in Internet Bum Fights, but at the end of the day all you’re doing is spinning your wheels in a pig sty. If that’s what you’re looking for, reality TV has better production values.

Rule #3: Focus

When I started writing under my own name I didn’t have a definite focus. With my YouTube channel in particular, I only started it to practice public speaking. As such, I opined on a variety of topics – the same way you might while having drinks with your friends – and this created a diluted, confused message.

I have a wide variety of interests; but not all of those belong on this site. I notice things about politics for instance, but I’m not interested in becoming a politician, and I have no idea how to solve the present miasma, short of a hard – and very unpleasant – reset of the status quo.

My talents and education are in history, mythology, mathematics, strategy, and philosophy. We’re currently going through a great unravelling, and existential uncertainty rules the day. Too many contradictions between the myriad of world views seeking to dominate; out of control memeplexes vying for dominance, each hopelessly limited in scope.

I believe there is a way to resolve these apparent contradictions without falling into ideological possession on the one side, or nihilism on the other. Elaborating upon this concept is my goal.

What you can Expect

First, a return to the ‘classic’ videos. Cranked up to 11. I make an excellent prophet of the apocalypse, so why not play to that strength? I’m aiming at two videos per week, though I’m not willing to sacrifice quality for content. Expect new videos out on Mondays and Saturdays, keeping in mind that BitChute has major issues with scheduling, so your forbearance is appreciated.

I’m still livestreaming on Thursdays. Less apocalyptic, more casual. I’d appreciate it if you showed up and commented to add to the discussion.

Next, I’m going to be working on a book titled “The Young Man’s Survival Guide”. It seems to me that very few of the men who have life experience are able to see things from the young man’s perspective. Telling them to ‘obey the rules’ just chokes the life out of them. Young men need to do go out and do stupid things, without destroying themselves. They need to find that golden mean. That will be the focus of the book. Beyond that, I have some other books I need to write as well (which I should have written years ago, but I wasted all that time on politics…); but this book first.

Of course, I aim to make money doing all of this. The more support I receive, the more time I focus on this. The less – well, there are always other business opportunities out there. If you find the content valuable, I ask that you toss in a buck a month (as well as supporting other creators whose content you value).

I don’t expect that any of theses changes will be immediately obvious. But over the next year I hope that what I’m doing becomes evident to you.

Finally – you’ll notice that I’m now going by the name Leo on the majority of my social media profiles. This was the name I was baptized into the Catholic Church with on Easter of 2016, at St Joan of Arc’s in Las Vegas. It was the name of my Grandfather, and my Great Grandfather before him. It was not something I spoke about at the time, and I’ve been long considering at what point I should start using it, if I used it at all.

Now is that time.

Carpe Futurm, Tene Traditum.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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