Category: Philosophy


Incentive Systems & Politics: Part 1

A Response to Extra Credits Introduction As a game designer, James can’t help but think about how broken our political system is.  And by broken, I don’t just mean it’s busted; I mean it’s broken in a Game Design sense.  The underlying rules and incentives which govern our politics are just wrong.  They’re completely out of whack. If you’re not already familiar with it, Extra Credits is a web-series focusing on the video game industry; they cover everything from the development, to the marketing, the design, the social impact, and even the different themes that games explore.  It’s a series...


A Heart of Gold, in a Pyrite Desert

The Manosphere has done a lot of good work publicizing just how truly awful women can be.  By now, the Blue Pill reality is miles away; the claims that women are all pure, that they deserve to be pedestalized, that divorce is mainly due to abusive men, that girls like nice guys, and that men were ever, as a whole, oppressing women – these have been thoroughly wiped away.  What started off as strangers comparing notes online – “Wait a minute, you’ve been through the same thing?  I thought I was the only one!” – has grown into a well-researched,...


Leadership and Dominance

It seems that, lately, whenever I try and write about relationship dynamics and power structures, I keep going back to romantic involvements – even though what I’m trying to address are principles which are fundamental to human behaviour in general, not just our sexual natures. A product of our times, I suppose: romantic relationships are one of the few areas where freedom is still allowed.  The War of the Sexes doesn’t have any sort of Geneva Convention, just nuclear armaments on the side of the women.  Contrast to the rest of the social world – school, work, socializing – where...


Living With Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes: what a beautiful way of putting it.  I stole the term from that unrepentant Truth Teller Wimminz because it perfectly sums up one of the harshest moral lessons you can learn, a lesson so harsh that most people mistake it for immorality: the Scorched Earth strategy. This desperate but effectual method of defence can only be executed by the enthusiasm of a people who prefer their independence to their property; or by the rigor of an arbitrary government, which consults the public safety without submitting to their inclinations the liberty of choice.” ~Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall...


The Hydra’s Eternal Rebellion

One of the challenges of writing about Feminists, Leftist, and Degenerates is how incredibly vulgar they are.  Tell me, does the following paragraph belong in political discourse? A female Voina activist nicknamed “Vacuous Cunt With Inconceivably Huge Tits” removed a chicken from the refrigerated section of the supermarket, then laboriously stuffed the entire chicken into her own vagina, while being filmed by other Voina members. She then shoplifted the chicken by leaving the supermarket without paying, with the chicken still inserted, and rejoined protesters outside the store. The correct answer is “Yes, but it shouldn’t.” It offends my sensibilities (as...


Why You Should Never Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder

By now I’m sure that you’ve all heard about the drama surrounding Tuthmosis’ post 5 Reasons to Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder on Return of Kings – if you haven’t, just scroll down to the comments.  HuffPo stumbled upon it, completely missed the satire, and thousands of self-entitled College girls decided that the appropriate response would be to start making death threats. The opposite of Love isn’t Indifference, I guess, it’s Hate. But the comments got me thinking: “Eating Disorders” – are they actually a thing?  Because I’m confident that they are not – at least, not in...


Reactionary Alignment Chart

  As you probably noticed, I decided to update the style on my site; hopefully this looks a lot cleaner and less cramped, the old one looked good back in 2008, but time and technology holds still for no man. I’m still ironing out the bugs, so this is partially a test post; it’s also an image I put together for a bit of fun.  You need to know both reactionary political theory and the Dungeons and Dragons allignment system to get it, which I figure is about 15% of my audience.  Tell me what you think:

Game is a K-Type Mating Strategy 8

Game is a K-Type Mating Strategy

This post assumes basic familiarity with r/K selection theory, as well as Anonymous Conservative‘s work exploring how this relates to the two fundamental political stances of our species.  I highly recommend that you buy his book The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics for an in depth analysis, but for the sake of this article a simple explanation will suffice (if you’re already familiar with his theory you can skip to the break). An r-selected species is a reproduction focused species; this occurs in niches of abundance, where food is readily available.  Under such conditions, it is the fastest reproducers who take...

The 25 Year Old Virgin 13

The 25 Year Old Virgin

I’ve noticed a trend going around, and it’s bothering me.  Let’s call it “Puritanism” – derived from “Purity” not “Puritanical” (though the Cunning Linguist in me suspects that they might somehow be related).  It’s something I’ve noticed appearing here and there in comment sections, you can even find the occasional blogger who will engage in it: the claim to moral purity. We all tend to be a bit idealistic around this deep, dark corner of the Internet; we speak in absolutes, we write about archetypes, and we simplify for the sake of explanation.  We’re trying to create new models for...