Category: Philosophy

Men Are Intimidated by “X” 2

Men Are Intimidated by “X”

You know, it comes as no surprise that I agree with the Captain’s conlusions – but I don’t like the roads he took to get there.  They ain’t wrong, exactly, not that – but I think there might be a more Parsimonious Explanation. 1. A Man is (not) Intimated by a Taller Woman I don’t know one guy, personally, who has said, “Oh no! Not a a TALLER woman! GASP oh GASP! You mean her legs will be LONGER THAN AVERAGE!? Horrors of horrors. How will I ever survive?” Folks, I am going to be so uncouth as to reveal...

First Principles 0

First Principles

In light of my new status as Patriarch, I figure now’s as good a time as any to revisit the foundational principles that inform my thoughts on Human Nature and Political Economy.  The broad schools of thought by which you could label me – Atheist, Men’s Rights Advocate, Libertarian, Anarchist, Capitalist, Rationalist, Reactionary, Objectivist, or Existentialist to name a few – might serve as good shorthand to sum up my stance, but in the Immortal Words of Eliezer Yudkowsky, Every Cause Wants To Be A Cult. And I ain’t down with religion – particularly not Dawkin’s. The problems with ideology...

Happy Birthday To Me 0

Happy Birthday To Me

Well, I turned 30 this weekend, and you know what that means: I’m officially part of the Patriarchy.  I have become The Man whom hippies and feminists rail against, and as such I no longer have to cite sources. Celebrations included rifles, cigarettes, whiskey, and habanerro-heavy chili, culminating in physical recreation with a Dissolute Asian Girl.  What more could a man ask for? I’ll be back next time with some more Reactionary Rantings.

Know Your Heart 6

Know Your Heart

Way back when, back during my army days, I had this buddy named Leigh. Leigh was a quiet sort.  Never saying much, he looked like your typical nice guy – baby-faced, specktacled, unassuming; your standard high-IQ, University educated, reservist Infantry grunt.  Until he opened his mouth, that is. Leigh had himself a razored tongue, a sharp wit, and a of sense of humour which bespoke an acute awareness of the world.  We used to almost-salute one another whenever we passed in the hallway, a joke at the expense of those who’d chosen bars over chevrons, and for a while there...

Love with All Your Heart 2

Love with All Your Heart

So earlier tonight me and the Whiskey watched Nostalgia Chick’s latest review, a Pyrrhic attempt to tear down The Little Mermaid.  I highly recommend that you give it a watch – if not for the entertainment value, then at least for the tragically comedic struggle of an intellectual feminist who’s All Woman inside.  She just can’t stand Ariel falling for such a dull Prince Charming – and yet she empathizes. Then I watched the latest ManWomanMyth video, where they discuss intimacy, and tear at the idiotic idea of ‘love at first site’ (an idea which denigrates the slow build up...

A Moral Imagination 1

A Moral Imagination

So the other day I was talking with a friend of mine, who Just Happens To Be a Crown Prosecutor…. Now, those of you who show up here regularly will know that my relationship with the cops is Ambivalent, at best.  It’s not that I don’t support Lawful Authority – I believe in the Righteousness of contracts, the inviolability of property, and serving your country like a Good Goddamned Soldier.  I’m basically a Paladin with addiction ‘problems’.  But when you get down to the particulars of the police forces in our society, I’ve got some major problems with how they...

Pedestalization and Misogyny 4

Pedestalization and Misogyny

So the other day, while my girlfriend was in the shower, I stumbled upon the following video.  I couldn’t resist playing it for her while she towelled off. Now don’t get me wrong – her happiness matters to me, and I wouldn’t normally subject her to something like this, but we’d just spent the past three days performing a callisthenic marathon, and I figured she was sated.  Any shrivelling effects would, at worst, allow her to concentrate at work the next day, or, at best, act as a needed balm for her gentler bits. So a quick warning, then: any...

Savages! 2


So the other day I had the pleasure of speaking to a True Savage. He came from a country recognized as the ‘Second least failed state in Africa’ and the 53rd-least-failed worldwide; up until now I didn’t even realize that there was a list of ‘least failed states’, but it’s an interesting fact to know, ain’t it?  The reason I bring it up is to establish that this man’s countrymen are not Savages – 53rd ain’t great, but it ain’t awful, either – his primitive views are entirely his own, a matter of his own poisonous neurology. “So tell me,”...

Simulated Stupidity 0

Simulated Stupidity

I gotta say, I’m becoming increasingly suspicious of the Simulation Hypothesis. For those of you unfamiliar, it basically boils down to this.  The idea is, you calculate the numbers – what is the probability of you ACTUALLY being born in this era?  In this particularly exciting life (compared to those poor fuckers in Africa, that is – results may vary)?  Have you ever won the lottery?  Sorry, numbers say that never happens, not in the length of this Universe; winning the lottery pretty much guarantees that you’re a simulation operated by a super-computer who’s trying to figure out “Why 42?”...