Category: Society


The Anti-Narrative of Radicalism

“It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperilled in a hundred battles…” ~Sun Tzu Le Pandemonium by John Martin, 1841. Feminists, Socialists, Race-Baiters, Multiculturalists, Environmentalists, and Relativists – the enemies of civilization are endless.  Their policies are schizophrenic, each group is constantly at odds with one-another, and even within their own camps intractable divisions exist: Environmentalists can’t decide whether they’re for or against nuclear power, Multiculturalists demand diversity while promoting mono-cultural Sharia Law, and Feminists are torn on whether all sex is rape, or if pornography is liberating.  The degenerates warble...


Back to the Blog

Well, I’m back after a couple of weeks off.  I didn’t get as much accomplished as I was hoping, but on the other hand, I think I achieved the Next Level of Zen.  I’ve got some stuff planned in the weeks to come. Looks like it was an eventful couple of weeks.  Glad I missed all of that.  I was getting pretty damned tired of all that Game drama, and I may make a point of never writing an apologetic for Game again.  That said, there are a couple of new link aggregators out there for ya: – you’ve...


Psychopaths & The Illuminati [Video]

One thing that frustrates me is how people assume that Psychopaths are amazing monster, possessed with some evil plan; they aren’t.  They’re broken pieces of clockwork.  They manage to do a lot of damage, but at their core they’re nothing but a frog’s leg hooked up to a battery.


Game Versus the Reactosphere

One of my biggest pet-peeves is seeing people argue at cross-purposes, and I think that’s precisely what’s going on with this debate between the Neoreactionaries and the Game bloggers: both sides are arguing against a caricature, due to the fact that – despite using the same terminology – they’re both using the terms with subtly different nuances, thus leading to an apparent disagreement, where no major disagreement actually exists. An example of that confused terminology is the conflation of PUA with Gamer. On the surface they’re very similar.  They both write about picking up women, they both use words like...


Moving at the Speed of Dark

David Brin – scientist, author, hippy, and rebel scum – decided to take on the Neoreactionary movement in this post from last November, 2013.  I only recently became aware of it thanks to commenter Ramram, but nonetheless it provides a fascinating look into what qualifies as a mind, over there on the left-hand side of the aisle… the sinistra side of the aisle… as well as providing an excellent opportunity to demonstrate right-wing mental dexterity. I first read Brin’s writing around the age of fourteen, specifically his collection of short-stories and essays titled Otherness, which he conveniently mentions in the above...


Mating Disruption: The Decline of the West

One of the curious contradictions you’ll find in Atheistkult is how they embrace a purely Materialist view of reality (declaring the Mind to be nothing but the brain, a clockwork, deterministic automaton), while simultaneously rejecting evolution (of the different sub-types of human) as well as evolutionary psychology: they declare that all humans are free, rational beings (minus the soul part) whom can make any decision they want, and that Game is an imaginary security blanket: in no way are the aggregate behaviours of men and women conforming to some sort of pattern. Humans might be robots – but they’re certainly...


Observations on the Calcification into Two Camps

One of the Historical phenomenon’s we’re currently experiencing is the radicalization and calcification of the “Two Camps”.  This is the forerunner to every major conflict. This time around, it’s not about Nation States, though; it’s a transnational, intra-state splitting.  The two main camps seem to be the Progressives (those advocating for a scientastic materialist utopia) and the Nationalists (the traditionalists, the red bloods, the harsh moralists).  This reflects the divide in American politics, but it’s higher than it – both the Republicans and the Democracts are being subsumed into these two movement, rather than the reverse. On the Left, you...


The Empowered Female Parasite

That’s what I hear whenever a woman brags about being empowered and independent; it’s the first sign that she’s weak, dependent, and parasitical off of civilization. The single mothers have been written about extensively in the Manosphere.  With 50% of marriages ending in divorce, and 70-90% of divorces being female-driven YOLO frivorces, we don’t need a Harvard-funded study to prove that plenty of women treat men like walking wallets, and expect society to hold the bag when they birth a bastard with Harley McBadboy.  In fact, it seems we’ve been so successful in this regard that most “moderate” Feminists have...


An Open Letter to Caitlin Dewey About the Manosphere and Journalistic Ethics

Dear Miss Dewey, I write to you in the spirit of friendly caution over your recent Washington Post article Hunter Moore is in jail, but that just means some other despicable character is “the most-hated man on the Internet” now; I also write to you as a colleague, whose writing has appeared several times in your sister-paper The Washington Times through my interviews with Danny de Gracia, including my “2013 Predictions” article where I correctly forecasted the Syria/Iran fiasco of this past summer. Full disclosure: I consider Danny de Gracia a good friend, and a man whose sense of ethics...


Incentive Systems & Politics: Part 3

This is the third and final part in my response to Extra Credits’ series of videos by the same name. In Part 1 I discussed how Politics needs to be about more than just winning elections, and provided a few statistics demonstrating the overall decline of our society. In Part 2 I covered how addressing financial corruption doesn’t address the underlying problems. Now it’s time to wrap this up in Part 3. Section 5: Gerrymandering and Community Gerrymandering is the process of redrawing the boundaries of politcal districts in order to be more favourable to you or your party.  You...