Tagged: American Politics

Agenda: Grinding America Down 9

Agenda: Grinding America Down

Let’s start with an excellent post from the Captain.  Anti-feminism is not about hating women; none of these controversial ideas we discuss in the alt-right are about hating anyone; it’s about saving our bloody civilization.  And let’s get one thing absolutely clear: these aren’t the accidental side-effects of “good hearted, but misguided” policies.  These are deliberate attacks by a small group of intellectuals who want to bring down the West.  These people have names; they’ve been perfectly explicit in their goals; they know what they’re doing, and they’ve written down both How and Why they’re doing it.  This isn’t a...

Romney’s Going to Lose, and I Don’t Care 1

Romney’s Going to Lose, and I Don’t Care

Part I: I am an Oak Some time ago (actually, quite a bit longer-a-go, but that’s the first time I published it) I predicted that Obama was going to win a second term.  I consider the matter self-evident.  While this may seem a Ballsy, given the current state of the economy and the upcoming Zimmerman trial, I stick by my guns.  Remember that Obama is a Product Placement, not a man.  Freudians have measured our woof, and texture; voters are in the dull catalogue of common things.  Short of a Great Scandal (like, say, Child Pornography in the White House...

The Inevitability of Conspiracy Theories 6

The Inevitability of Conspiracy Theories

“I have always said, the first Whig was the Devil.” ~ Samuel L. Johnson  (1709-1784) The terms Left and Right get bandied about quite a bit, and Nailing Down a meaning is no simple task.  Is it just a sort of shorthand for Conservative and Liberal?  Not if it has a coherent meaning; the parties can never make up their minds on what they want.  Seventy years ago the Republicans were the Big Government Moral Dreamers, pro-black to their core, while the Democrats where the pro-racist-union groupies.  Then Civil Rights happened, and everything turned on its head.  The Democrats became...

Recap: The Collapse is Coming 3

Recap: The Collapse is Coming

It is the conceit of any Ideologue that he has a direct line on the Truth.  For your typical Talking Head, they simply assume that their opponent is an idiot – or perhaps misguided.  Those who are more intellectually honest might go so far as to admit that the Complement of their Political Shade have some good points; they might even admit to being ignorant on whether red or blue is most correct in any given situation. After all, they’re both playing on the same field. Here in the Reactionary Right, we don’t have that luxury.  Our stance is –...

Update: Lunatic Fringe Radio 0

Update: Lunatic Fringe Radio

Sorry about the dearth of posts; I’ve been working on some projects: Lunatic Fringe Radio: the only Reactionary Podcast on the Internet!  This week, I sat down for an interview with Aaron Clarey aka Captain Capitalism.  Watch it on YouTube, or download the MP3.

Poor Little Trayvon: Profiteering Off Hate 7

Poor Little Trayvon: Profiteering Off Hate

To understand Trayvon Martin, you first must understand Charles Manson. A condensed summation from Pravda: Charles Milles Manson (born November 12, 1934) is an American criminal who led what became known as the Manson Family, a quasi-commune that arose in California in the late 1960s. He was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the Tate/LaBianca murders carried out by members of the group at his instruction. … [And eventually convicted] … Manson believed in what he called “Helter Skelter,” a term he took from the song of the same name by The Beatles. Manson believed Helter Skelter to be an...

Who is Joseph Kony? 9

Who is Joseph Kony?

You readers are a fairly Astute Bunch, so I trust that most of you are blissfully unaware of the current feel-good idiocy making its rounds on FaceBook. Your humble scribe would have remained just as ignorant, if not for a bout of insomnia that sent him over to 4chan last night, in a search for New Memes. It seems the /b/tards are all worked up over a new Activist Organization which looks like an Election Campaign.  Allow me to introduce you to Kony 2012: First: a little bit of background. Joseph Kony is your run-of-the-mill African Warlord.  He rapes women...

Obama’s Going to Win a Second Term 4

Obama’s Going to Win a Second Term

Is there really any doubt of it? Here’s the thing, folks; you and I aren’t the only ones noticing that things are getting Weird.  The ole’ job market ain’t what she used to be, moving from production to busy work.  Culture’s become flash-in-the-plan filth blasted at us with autotune.  A first world military with robots in its ranks is losing to camel fuckers, and despised abroad and at home.  The diaspora of Internet Media has torn up all but the last bastions of cultural reference points such as the Super Bowl, which – as we all know – is really...

So they tell me Osama’s been killed… 0

So they tell me Osama’s been killed…

Good lord, this month has started off on a sour note.  First, another bullshit election here in Canada (nobody worth voting for, as usual), and then to top off my piss-poor mood the entire Internet decided to collectively suck Obama’s dick. In disgust I spent yesterday on the balcony with a BB gun, sniping the Canada Goose who decided to nest on the office building across from me.  It eventually figured out what I was doing, though, and now the balcony’s off limits; the damned goose is perched on the railing, making some sort of awful moaning noise, and pecking...