Tagged: Censorship


Aurini’s Rear Guard; Censored Without A Cause – YouTube’s Kafka-esque Flagging Policies

After a series of coordinated flags, my YouTube account has been banished from the Internet. The one appeal allowed resulted in a response that I’d violated the Community Guidelines – though no specific criticism was ever explained. Welcome to the new standards of justice in the West, where you’re punished before you’re found guilty, and where you’re not even told what crime it is that you committed.


YouTube Censorship, and the Logic of Empire

Companies and governments stay in power by empowering the lowest common denominator, but the result is a trashy, second-rate world full of third-rate people. They rule over empires of dirt, rather than cohabiting with virtuous and engaging fellow humans. Everybody’s miserable, and society is decaying, but at least the logic of it all remains consistent.