Tagged: Feminism

Old Men, Take a Look at Our Lives 14

Old Men, Take a Look at Our Lives

I think it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the Baby Boomers left us with a mad world to grow up in. The Democratic Experiment has devolved into genocidal Special Interest Groups, where your vote means nothing.  The whole banking, credit, and finance industry is showing its true colours as a ponzi scheme, and we’re the ones who will pay.  Law Enforcement has devolved to brutal thuggery, the courts are a full of hypocrites, and the military is spit on, out of a marxist view of opressed and opressors. The party ended in 1969; the High Water Mark hit, and rolled back;...

Men Are Intimidated by “X” 2

Men Are Intimidated by “X”

You know, it comes as no surprise that I agree with the Captain’s conlusions – but I don’t like the roads he took to get there.  They ain’t wrong, exactly, not that – but I think there might be a more Parsimonious Explanation. 1. A Man is (not) Intimated by a Taller Woman I don’t know one guy, personally, who has said, “Oh no! Not a a TALLER woman! GASP oh GASP! You mean her legs will be LONGER THAN AVERAGE!? Horrors of horrors. How will I ever survive?” Folks, I am going to be so uncouth as to reveal...

Falling Birthrate Pt II 0

Falling Birthrate Pt II

I know, I know, it’s been a while; in my defence, I’ve been working hard on the Second Novel; it’s 1/3 of the way to final copy, and as for the First, well, my Agent just got back to me with some positive news.  Expect some updates over the next few months. But as to the whole Birthrate issue; I need to get this out of my head before the ideas start to rot, and I wind up laying on the couch with an ear canal full of sodium bicarbonate. Last time we discussed why immigration is a Non Starter. ...

Know Your Heart 6

Know Your Heart

Way back when, back during my army days, I had this buddy named Leigh. Leigh was a quiet sort.  Never saying much, he looked like your typical nice guy – baby-faced, specktacled, unassuming; your standard high-IQ, University educated, reservist Infantry grunt.  Until he opened his mouth, that is. Leigh had himself a razored tongue, a sharp wit, and a of sense of humour which bespoke an acute awareness of the world.  We used to almost-salute one another whenever we passed in the hallway, a joke at the expense of those who’d chosen bars over chevrons, and for a while there...

Love with All Your Heart 2

Love with All Your Heart

So earlier tonight me and the Whiskey watched Nostalgia Chick’s latest review, a Pyrrhic attempt to tear down The Little Mermaid.  I highly recommend that you give it a watch – if not for the entertainment value, then at least for the tragically comedic struggle of an intellectual feminist who’s All Woman inside.  She just can’t stand Ariel falling for such a dull Prince Charming – and yet she empathizes. Then I watched the latest ManWomanMyth video, where they discuss intimacy, and tear at the idiotic idea of ‘love at first site’ (an idea which denigrates the slow build up...

Pedestalization and Misogyny 4

Pedestalization and Misogyny

So the other day, while my girlfriend was in the shower, I stumbled upon the following video.  I couldn’t resist playing it for her while she towelled off. Now don’t get me wrong – her happiness matters to me, and I wouldn’t normally subject her to something like this, but we’d just spent the past three days performing a callisthenic marathon, and I figured she was sated.  Any shrivelling effects would, at worst, allow her to concentrate at work the next day, or, at best, act as a needed balm for her gentler bits. So a quick warning, then: any...

Gender, Rape, and Equality 3

Gender, Rape, and Equality

Today I want to talk about Rape. In particular, I want to talk about false accusations. The reason I want to talk about this is because it’s not a gender issue. It’s not a Men’s issue. It’s not a Women’s issue. It’s a People’s issue. Obviously I’m going to talk about Feminists (what with them being traitors to their own stated cause, and all), but since I’m an equal opportunity Hater, let’s start with their kilt-wearing counterparts: the Men’s Rights movement. The MRM is generally a Cause for Good, but they’re no more ‘perfect’ than any other loose association of...

“Math Class is Hard” Sayeth 3rd Wave Feminism 4

“Math Class is Hard” Sayeth 3rd Wave Feminism

I’ve pointed it out before; it’s usually the people who claim to be the most moralistic/progressive/unprejudiced who are the worst offenders.  No surprise really.  Anyone making a big stink about discrimination is probably doing so to cover up the knobby, bigoted cherry-pit they have instead of a heart.  But a recent post by Katja Grace got me thinking about feminism specifically and why it irritates me more than having an aroused ferret shoved down my pants.  She comments on some of the ‘pro-women’ statements she’s seen in the past: Some examples from the advertising and equity policies of various academic...