Tagged: Marriage


Feminism and the Serpent

The serpent doesn’t have a preference of either sex, it merely wants to blaspheme Truth, Beauty, and God’s creation, and Feminists – disciples of this serpent – seek out the same thing,


Fireproof (2008): Unpacking the Feminism [Video]

Fireproof is a 2008 film which tries to put out a positive, pro-marriage message. While it has some good elements, it ultimately fails because of the attitude of “Women are Wonderful and can do no wrong”. It winds up flipping the principles of Christian marriage on their head, and serves as a guideline for setting yourself up for divorce.


Game Theory and the Marriage Matrix

Plotting a course to our hopes and dreams grows ever more difficult, as the incentives which make up the social fabric of society shift, and defection is prioritized over cooperation.


Get Down Off Of Your Cross

Catholics seek martyrdom, while Protestants externalize their guilt onto others; this is a thread that runs through our politics and culture, and it’s theologically insane. Misdirected guilt is at the core of our civilizational insanity.


An Analysis of The Feminine Mystique, Chapter 2

Read my review of Chapter 1 here; the ongoing discussion is at Sunshine Mary’s site. Right off the bat, Friedan inundates us with more stories of women who are all “Relieved to find out I wasn’t the only one!” This is followed up by examples of “impossible ideals” being sold to women in advertising. “I’m living the same life as the TV people – why aren’t I haaaaappppyyyy?” On the surface this seems very similar to the Genesis of the Manosphere, with one major difference: the Manosphere developed because we were lied to; Friedan’s “Problem with no name” is a...


The Empowered Female Parasite

That’s what I hear whenever a woman brags about being empowered and independent; it’s the first sign that she’s weak, dependent, and parasitical off of civilization. The single mothers have been written about extensively in the Manosphere.  With 50% of marriages ending in divorce, and 70-90% of divorces being female-driven YOLO frivorces, we don’t need a Harvard-funded study to prove that plenty of women treat men like walking wallets, and expect society to hold the bag when they birth a bastard with Harley McBadboy.  In fact, it seems we’ve been so successful in this regard that most “moderate” Feminists have...