Tagged: Marriage

Agenda: Grinding America Down 9

Agenda: Grinding America Down

Let’s start with an excellent post from the Captain.  Anti-feminism is not about hating women; none of these controversial ideas we discuss in the alt-right are about hating anyone; it’s about saving our bloody civilization.  And let’s get one thing absolutely clear: these aren’t the accidental side-effects of “good hearted, but misguided” policies.  These are deliberate attacks by a small group of intellectuals who want to bring down the West.  These people have names; they’ve been perfectly explicit in their goals; they know what they’re doing, and they’ve written down both How and Why they’re doing it.  This isn’t a...

Professional Women and their Empty Marriages 11

Professional Women and their Empty Marriages

Let’s start with a quick test: pretend I just made a negative generalization about your demographic, a generalization that is obviously True to anyone who isn’t obsessed with living in Fantasy Land.  What’s your response? A) You shrug your shoulders, “Yeah, us cricket players can definitely be like that sometimes.” B) You pulse quickens, “How dare you say such a thing about poodle owners!” If you answered A then you’re a normal person who understands the difference between demographics and individuals, who isn’t paralyzed with fear at the thought of being criticized.  If you answered B, then I have some...

Three Paths to Nowhere 5

Three Paths to Nowhere

After writing my last post I was trying to explain it to a co-worker – explain how there are basically three life choices us Men have today, and how none of them will pan out in the long term.  I realized that this was a post in itself, delineating these three choices and why they all suck… only to check my RSS feed and see that somebody beat me to it. The options we have: 1) The Blue Pill: Play along with the system. 2) MRM: Fight the current legal system for equal rights from within the system. 3) Game/MGTOW:...

Right for All the Wrong Reasons 2

Right for All the Wrong Reasons

H/T to Jessica; June Carbone and Naomi Kahn ‘explain’the 5 Ways Conservatives are Destroying the Institution of Marriage.   I tell you folks, I’ve been needing a break from all the Depression Porn that being a Reactionary entails.  And there’s nothing that gives me more sadistic glee than tearing apart those whom are better educated, and far, far stupider than I.  Let’s start by analyzing the personalities involved. Both of them are employed as Law School professors, and nowhere on their bio does it mention work in the private industry.  Between that, and their long list of Socially Responsible Activism,...

Chastity or Whoredom 5

Chastity or Whoredom

Here’s the thing, ladies; you love attention.  We both know it’s true.  And us men (Real Men, anyway) love you for it. Oh, sure, your narcissism can have a down side.  For instance, I once attended the birthday party of a woman who turned it into an ‘event’ via FaceBook.  The women were all up on stage, karaokeing and doing their own (boring) thing all night, while demanding that all us boyfriends and husbands pay attention to this unrehearsed Talent Show. I’m fairly certain that a Hall of Mirrors would have been a more successful venue.