Tagged: Men’s Rights

Linkage: Omnipitron Edition 1

Linkage: Omnipitron Edition

I’ve been meaning to get around to this for a while; not just for the inherent SEO benefits, but also because it’s the Right Thing to Do.  I’m ashamed to say it’s fallen by the wayside.  What with my busy schedule of harassing endangered species, getting drunk with my standup comedian–Literary Agent, scouting out sniper positions throughout the city, and yelling at myself in the mirror – I don’t get nearly enough writing done. So without further ado, allow me to introduce Omnipitron at The Phantom Tollbooth: One man’s journey through blended family, ADHD, and rampant Misandry; he recently wrote...

It’s a Dog’s Life 5

It’s a Dog’s Life

According to Westsern Witch Doctors, sanity is a relative measurement. The Sane Man is not He who has optimized his processing power with Good Priors and Bayes Theorem; it is not He who has become an Ubermensch, inductively reasoning out Trigonometry, while being omni-aware of his innermost thoughts – no, the Sane Man is nothing like that. Quite simply, modern Psychology defines sanity as that which fits closest to the mean. Bell curves are what determine value; not intrinsic worth. By their standards, dear reader – by virtue of the unhealthy society in which we live – we are, both...

Old Men, Take a Look at Our Lives 14

Old Men, Take a Look at Our Lives

I think it’s becoming increasingly obvious that the Baby Boomers left us with a mad world to grow up in. The Democratic Experiment has devolved into genocidal Special Interest Groups, where your vote means nothing.  The whole banking, credit, and finance industry is showing its true colours as a ponzi scheme, and we’re the ones who will pay.  Law Enforcement has devolved to brutal thuggery, the courts are a full of hypocrites, and the military is spit on, out of a marxist view of opressed and opressors. The party ended in 1969; the High Water Mark hit, and rolled back;...

Men Are Intimidated by “X” 2

Men Are Intimidated by “X”

You know, it comes as no surprise that I agree with the Captain’s conlusions – but I don’t like the roads he took to get there.  They ain’t wrong, exactly, not that – but I think there might be a more Parsimonious Explanation. 1. A Man is (not) Intimated by a Taller Woman I don’t know one guy, personally, who has said, “Oh no! Not a a TALLER woman! GASP oh GASP! You mean her legs will be LONGER THAN AVERAGE!? Horrors of horrors. How will I ever survive?” Folks, I am going to be so uncouth as to reveal...

Love with All Your Heart 2

Love with All Your Heart

So earlier tonight me and the Whiskey watched Nostalgia Chick’s latest review, a Pyrrhic attempt to tear down The Little Mermaid.  I highly recommend that you give it a watch – if not for the entertainment value, then at least for the tragically comedic struggle of an intellectual feminist who’s All Woman inside.  She just can’t stand Ariel falling for such a dull Prince Charming – and yet she empathizes. Then I watched the latest ManWomanMyth video, where they discuss intimacy, and tear at the idiotic idea of ‘love at first site’ (an idea which denigrates the slow build up...

Why I support Constable Sanguinetti 4

Why I support Constable Sanguinetti

A brief history, in case you haven’t heard about the slut walks appearing all over the country: Last January, at University of Toronto, Police Constable Michael Sanguinetti was giving a lecture to ten students on how to maintain personal safety.  At one point he said the following: “You know, I think we’re beating around the bush here.  I’ve been told I’m not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised.” This off the cuff remark led to an explosion of protests throughout the western world known as ‘Slut Walks’ where...

Chastity or Whoredom 5

Chastity or Whoredom

Here’s the thing, ladies; you love attention.  We both know it’s true.  And us men (Real Men, anyway) love you for it. Oh, sure, your narcissism can have a down side.  For instance, I once attended the birthday party of a woman who turned it into an ‘event’ via FaceBook.  The women were all up on stage, karaokeing and doing their own (boring) thing all night, while demanding that all us boyfriends and husbands pay attention to this unrehearsed Talent Show. I’m fairly certain that a Hall of Mirrors would have been a more successful venue.

Pedestalization and Misogyny 4

Pedestalization and Misogyny

So the other day, while my girlfriend was in the shower, I stumbled upon the following video.  I couldn’t resist playing it for her while she towelled off. Now don’t get me wrong – her happiness matters to me, and I wouldn’t normally subject her to something like this, but we’d just spent the past three days performing a callisthenic marathon, and I figured she was sated.  Any shrivelling effects would, at worst, allow her to concentrate at work the next day, or, at best, act as a needed balm for her gentler bits. So a quick warning, then: any...