Tagged: Movie Review


The Matrix Resurrections: Pulse of the Zeitgheist

If the video doesn’t embed, you can click here to watch it on Odysee. My review of the new Matrix movie, Resurrections. This movie’s getting a lot of hate – but I’ll be honest with you folks, it’s pretty darned good. It not only redeems the second and third – it’s arguably far more intelligent and nuanced than the first. More importantly, it makes a profound statement about where our zeitgheist is at – and brothers, it’s all good news.


1993’s Tombstone: An American Legend

Tombstone is not only an amazing film in its own right, combining 1990s technology with the “Big Hollywood” Style of the 60s and 70s, it’s a summation of one of America’s most enduring myths: the Wild West which healed the wounds from the Civil War.


Fireproof (2008): Unpacking the Feminism [Video]

Fireproof is a 2008 film which tries to put out a positive, pro-marriage message. While it has some good elements, it ultimately fails because of the attitude of “Women are Wonderful and can do no wrong”. It winds up flipping the principles of Christian marriage on their head, and serves as a guideline for setting yourself up for divorce.

Humanism: An Ethos of Death 14

Humanism: An Ethos of Death

The Devil’s Advocate VS. The Grand Inquisitor There’s something compelling about movies with the Devil in them; The Devil’s Advocate is one of the best portrayals I’ve seen, and it leaves you with the sneaking suspicion that it’s not a metaphor; that at some point in the nineties this actually happened… only in the real world there was no happy ending. The plot follows a small-town lawyer who’s never lost a case (played by Keeanu Reeves), being seduced to New York where he becomes a high-paid gun for the city’s corrupt and broken rich, while his wife slowly goes mad. ...