Tagged: narcissism


Gnosticism in Contemporary Culture

Gnostic. It’s one of those words that many people know, but few can define.  It has the whiff of mystery to it; of secrets kept in old tomes, and wizened scholars – perhaps of a dubious moral bent – who guard their secrets from the unwashed masses, those who’d rather enjoy the vulgar hoots of a carnival horn than the rarefied strands of an Elysium melody.  It appears as a ‘technobabble’ adjective in fantasy works (“The Hammer of Gnostic Strength”), and is used by psychonauts who promise personal enlightenment.  But despite its emotive and flavorful characteristics, it is a word...

Defeating the Codependent Within

If we are going to examine the mistakes of others, it should be with the goal of amending the mistakes which we make ourselves. Men and women have been set up to be adversaries; it’s crucial that we learn to become partners.


Malala Yousafzai: A Manufactured Paragon

Even Beethoven didn’t write his first great symphony until he was in his 30s, and music is the sort of endeavour which can be focused on exclusively, it doesn’t require a breadth of life experience – just a lot of time. Politics, meanwhile, demands a wide set of experiences, a familiarity with the human condition, an awareness of your own dark nature, and a broad understanding of the various philosophies and ideologies which govern human society. There are no savants in politics; and for a teenager to be awarded this medal demeans the medal, as well as the recipient.


Why You Should Never Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder

By now I’m sure that you’ve all heard about the drama surrounding Tuthmosis’ post 5 Reasons to Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder on Return of Kings – if you haven’t, just scroll down to the comments.  HuffPo stumbled upon it, completely missed the satire, and thousands of self-entitled College girls decided that the appropriate response would be to start making death threats. The opposite of Love isn’t Indifference, I guess, it’s Hate. But the comments got me thinking: “Eating Disorders” – are they actually a thing?  Because I’m confident that they are not – at least, not in...

Shaming Culture 3

Shaming Culture

The Captain has a new post up, The Shaming of John Galt. The left uses shame and “shaming language” for one reason and one reason only – they are factually wrong, so they must “shame” what is “right” or what is real.  Since the left lives in a world that is not based in reality or the reality principle, they have to “change reality” and the best way to do that is to convince or outright brainwash people into thinking the opposite of what is true and the opposite of what is in their best interests. There are so many...