Tagged: Politics

Poor Little Trayvon: Profiteering Off Hate 7

Poor Little Trayvon: Profiteering Off Hate

To understand Trayvon Martin, you first must understand Charles Manson. A condensed summation from Pravda: Charles Milles Manson (born November 12, 1934) is an American criminal who led what became known as the Manson Family, a quasi-commune that arose in California in the late 1960s. He was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the Tate/LaBianca murders carried out by members of the group at his instruction. … [And eventually convicted] … Manson believed in what he called “Helter Skelter,” a term he took from the song of the same name by The Beatles. Manson believed Helter Skelter to be an...

Who is Joseph Kony? 9

Who is Joseph Kony?

You readers are a fairly Astute Bunch, so I trust that most of you are blissfully unaware of the current feel-good idiocy making its rounds on FaceBook. Your humble scribe would have remained just as ignorant, if not for a bout of insomnia that sent him over to 4chan last night, in a search for New Memes. It seems the /b/tards are all worked up over a new Activist Organization which looks like an Election Campaign.  Allow me to introduce you to Kony 2012: First: a little bit of background. Joseph Kony is your run-of-the-mill African Warlord.  He rapes women...

Obama’s Going to Win a Second Term 4

Obama’s Going to Win a Second Term

Is there really any doubt of it? Here’s the thing, folks; you and I aren’t the only ones noticing that things are getting Weird.  The ole’ job market ain’t what she used to be, moving from production to busy work.  Culture’s become flash-in-the-plan filth blasted at us with autotune.  A first world military with robots in its ranks is losing to camel fuckers, and despised abroad and at home.  The diaspora of Internet Media has torn up all but the last bastions of cultural reference points such as the Super Bowl, which – as we all know – is really...

The Death of Militaristic Nationalism 5

The Death of Militaristic Nationalism

So the other night I was sitting in the dark, drinking my whiskey, rocking out to some Lynyrd Skynyrd, and just generally letting the thoughts bounce around my head, when something struck me- In the past two-hundred years, I can’t think of a single inter-state war that accomplished anything. On and off, I’ve been brushing up on my history with the Khan Academy – a site hosting professional University lectures, which I highly recommend (though, like University itself, you should take them with a grain of salt).  I’ve been going through the lectures on the French Revolution, and that’s what...

Falling Birthrate Pt II 0

Falling Birthrate Pt II

I know, I know, it’s been a while; in my defence, I’ve been working hard on the Second Novel; it’s 1/3 of the way to final copy, and as for the First, well, my Agent just got back to me with some positive news.  Expect some updates over the next few months. But as to the whole Birthrate issue; I need to get this out of my head before the ideas start to rot, and I wind up laying on the couch with an ear canal full of sodium bicarbonate. Last time we discussed why immigration is a Non Starter. ...

Falling Birthrate 2

Falling Birthrate

Today on the radio they were discussing our birthrate here in Canada; it should come as no surprise to any of you that, like all Western Nations, we’re below replacement levels. The government’s main concern, of course, is the baby boomer retirement – and there are plenty of damned problems with the children of the Greatest Generation; there’s a lack of skilled workers to replace them (thanks to tenure), the upcoming generation is pathologically obsessed with Bread and Circuses rather than civic virtue, and then, of course, there’s the elephant in the room: It may well be that people are...

Tiny Little Red Pills 0

Tiny Little Red Pills

So the other day I was browsing through Reddit, as is my wont, when I stumbled upon this perfect gem of neo-enlightenment thinking. So perfect! So flawed! This snippet should be preserved for future historians, to help them understand this crazy age. I present to you: your perfectly stereotypical – nay – archetypal example of the modern University Educated Leftists mindset: Anyone else wanting a “Pro Choice, Legalization, Gay Marriage, Scientific, Net Neutrality, Atheist” politician? Hah! I’ll bet you know twenty of these guys. Which isn’t to say that I disagree with him – far from it. I just think...

The Tribulations of a Journalist 1

The Tribulations of a Journalist

A couple of articles popped up on my Digg feed today.  I can barely contain the Rage I am currently feeling. Julian Assange, a Heroic Truth Speaker from another era (Lord Knows this generation doesn’t deserve him), went to jail today, accused of a crime he didn’t commit.  He recently had his assets frozen and has been denied bail.  The British Judge involved had the gall to say that his arrest had nothing to do with Wikileaks. Christ in a Cup, this is how the Masters rule – chumps like this Judge who are just Following Orders.  They convince us...