Tagged: Psychohistory

Meditations Upon Psychohistory: “Whispering Leaves” by Cesar Tort, Part 1 7

Meditations Upon Psychohistory: “Whispering Leaves” by Cesar Tort, Part 1

Children have been the garbage bin where the adults dump the unrecognized parts of their psyches. It is expected that the child-garbage bin absorbs the ill moods of her custodians to prevent that the adult feels overwhelmed by her anxieties. If I kill the soul of my daughter I thus kill the naughty girl that once inhabited me. ~El Retor no de Quetzalcoatl, English Translation, (Pages 415-610 of Hojas Susur rantes) by Cesar Tort Not to be confused with the fictional Psychohistory of Asimov’s Foundation novels. Introduction Some time back I thought about writing a post on the moral imperative...