Tagged: Psychology


Daddy Government and the Corporate Boyfriend

Daddy Government and the Corporate Boyfriend are two concepts which really sum up the status quo of our society. They’re the two main forces, working in tandem, which ensnare the modern woman, turning her into a useful battery for the powers that be, without regard for the woman herself or the future of our civilization. They’re products of Marketing run amok, that demon-child birthed by Edward Bernays at the beginning of the 20th Century, when he employed the theories of his uncle Freud to shatter humanity into atomized spheres of narcissistic reflection, under the stony, silent gaze of the Puritan God Leviathan.


Get Down Off Of Your Cross

Catholics seek martyrdom, while Protestants externalize their guilt onto others; this is a thread that runs through our politics and culture, and it’s theologically insane. Misdirected guilt is at the core of our civilizational insanity.


Psychopaths & The Illuminati [Video]

One thing that frustrates me is how people assume that Psychopaths are amazing monster, possessed with some evil plan; they aren’t.  They’re broken pieces of clockwork.  They manage to do a lot of damage, but at their core they’re nothing but a frog’s leg hooked up to a battery.


A Heart of Gold, in a Pyrite Desert

The Manosphere has done a lot of good work publicizing just how truly awful women can be.  By now, the Blue Pill reality is miles away; the claims that women are all pure, that they deserve to be pedestalized, that divorce is mainly due to abusive men, that girls like nice guys, and that men were ever, as a whole, oppressing women – these have been thoroughly wiped away.  What started off as strangers comparing notes online – “Wait a minute, you’ve been through the same thing?  I thought I was the only one!” – has grown into a well-researched,...


Why You Should Never Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder

By now I’m sure that you’ve all heard about the drama surrounding Tuthmosis’ post 5 Reasons to Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder on Return of Kings – if you haven’t, just scroll down to the comments.  HuffPo stumbled upon it, completely missed the satire, and thousands of self-entitled College girls decided that the appropriate response would be to start making death threats. The opposite of Love isn’t Indifference, I guess, it’s Hate. But the comments got me thinking: “Eating Disorders” – are they actually a thing?  Because I’m confident that they are not – at least, not in...


An Epidemic of Low Testosterone

EDIT November, 2014: at the present time, AndroPlus seems to have gone offline, and they’re not responding to emails.  I’ve been in touch with colleagues such as Matt Forney, and we’re a bit worried about what’s happened to the company we gave our voices to.  Early on there had been minor issues which I attributed merely to the disorganization of any new business, but the present state of affairs is far more worrying. The post below remains unaltered (I believe it contains a lot of valuable information outside of the product recommendation), but as things stand I would have to...

Meditations Upon Psychohistory: “Whispering Leaves” by Cesar Tort, Part 1 7

Meditations Upon Psychohistory: “Whispering Leaves” by Cesar Tort, Part 1

Children have been the garbage bin where the adults dump the unrecognized parts of their psyches. It is expected that the child-garbage bin absorbs the ill moods of her custodians to prevent that the adult feels overwhelmed by her anxieties. If I kill the soul of my daughter I thus kill the naughty girl that once inhabited me. ~El Retor no de Quetzalcoatl, English Translation, (Pages 415-610 of Hojas Susur rantes) by Cesar Tort Not to be confused with the fictional Psychohistory of Asimov’s Foundation novels. Introduction Some time back I thought about writing a post on the moral imperative...

Bill Burr on Bankers 0

Bill Burr on Bankers

“So you tell me – am I sounding crazy or am I making sense?” Let me remind you, Bill Burr is a stand up comic who rags on bratty women – and he’s talking about bankers.  Glad to hear he knows about Iceland. Add in the SSRI Bomb when the Depression really hits, and you wind up with this. Interesting times, folks, interesting times. ͼ-Ѻ-ͽ My novel My Twitter