Tagged: Reactionary


Incentive Systems & Politics: Part 2

Summary of Part 1: The goal of government should be the physical, emotional, and spiritual betterment of Man. Democracy selects for the government people want, not the government they need. Parasites find niches between the electorate and the politicians, distorting even the best incentive system. Now on with the show: Section 3: Finances and Fundraising Limiting the amount politicians are allowed to spend on campaigning would remove the distraction of having to be a continuous fundraiser; and would meant that politicians wouldn’t have to balance serving the people, and serving the people who can fuel their campaigns. They begin with...


Incentive Systems & Politics: Part 1

A Response to Extra Credits Introduction As a game designer, James can’t help but think about how broken our political system is.  And by broken, I don’t just mean it’s busted; I mean it’s broken in a Game Design sense.  The underlying rules and incentives which govern our politics are just wrong.  They’re completely out of whack. If you’re not already familiar with it, Extra Credits is a web-series focusing on the video game industry; they cover everything from the development, to the marketing, the design, the social impact, and even the different themes that games explore.  It’s a series...


Anarcho-Tyranny’s Left-wing Roots

Whatever else you might say about Sam Francis, you can’t deny that he nailed it with the term Anarcho-Tyranny: “we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).” Must I defend his assertion? The present legal climate is incredibly hostile to the decent, moral people (I want to say “law abiding” but following the law is nearly impossible these days), and anybody with a lick sense is looking over their shoulder, ever wary of Officer Friendly.  Brutes and layabouts populate the streets, graffiti is everywhere, and the only thing keeping the murder...


The Hydra’s Eternal Rebellion

One of the challenges of writing about Feminists, Leftist, and Degenerates is how incredibly vulgar they are.  Tell me, does the following paragraph belong in political discourse? A female Voina activist nicknamed “Vacuous Cunt With Inconceivably Huge Tits” removed a chicken from the refrigerated section of the supermarket, then laboriously stuffed the entire chicken into her own vagina, while being filmed by other Voina members. She then shoplifted the chicken by leaving the supermarket without paying, with the chicken still inserted, and rejoined protesters outside the store. The correct answer is “Yes, but it shouldn’t.” It offends my sensibilities (as...


Leadership, Submission, and the Neoreactionary Social Order

The two terms which best describe our Modernist-Liberal age are ‘rebellion’ and ‘inversion’; the most obvious example of this is the breakdown of healthy sexual relationships, thanks to the rejection of traditional values, not just by society, but also by many of the churches; Dalrock and Sunshine Mary explore this thoroughly.  But as important as sex is (not only does it perpetuate the species, it’s also our number one raison d’être, after all) our inversions and rebellions go far deeper than just the advocacy of feminism and promiscuity.  In fact, the foundational mythos of our civilization has become an over-turning...


Reactionary Alignment Chart

  As you probably noticed, I decided to update the style on my site; hopefully this looks a lot cleaner and less cramped, the old one looked good back in 2008, but time and technology holds still for no man. I’m still ironing out the bugs, so this is partially a test post; it’s also an image I put together for a bit of fun.  You need to know both reactionary political theory and the Dungeons and Dragons allignment system to get it, which I figure is about 15% of my audience.  Tell me what you think:

The 25 Year Old Virgin 13

The 25 Year Old Virgin

I’ve noticed a trend going around, and it’s bothering me.  Let’s call it “Puritanism” – derived from “Purity” not “Puritanical” (though the Cunning Linguist in me suspects that they might somehow be related).  It’s something I’ve noticed appearing here and there in comment sections, you can even find the occasional blogger who will engage in it: the claim to moral purity. We all tend to be a bit idealistic around this deep, dark corner of the Internet; we speak in absolutes, we write about archetypes, and we simplify for the sake of explanation.  We’re trying to create new models for...

Calling Liberals Racist 8

Calling Liberals Racist

As I’m sure you’re all aware, “racist” is a meaningless word; the closest it comes to having any semantic content is John Ringo’s “Bad dog!  No biscuit!” It’s an empty set of boo-lights meant to censure those on the right.  Any of the following can get you called racist: Noticing biological/behavioural differences between the races Noticing cultural differences between non-White groups (cultural differences between Whites don’t count) Noticing different groups Advocating policies based upon race which don’t involve free-money or preferential treatment Advocating polices which ignore race, “free-market economics” style Disagreeing with a black person (or other minority aside from...

The Power of the Shield 4

The Power of the Shield

It’s hard being a cop these days. Part of me wants to be sympathetic.  The Boys in Blue are expected to uphold Law and Order in a society that celebrates License and Orgy.  On the one side, they’ve got the journalistic classes and the fattened masses, cowards and malcontents, who are utterly incapable of judging their actions.  On the other, they have the Untermenschen, those half-tamed barbarians, egged on by debauched culture and lobbyists, who speak nothing but the language of violence. If the media starts yelling about “Excessive force,” it’s dollars-to-donuts that some degenerate was refusing to comply. But...