Tagged: strategy


The Key To Making Western Men Stronger

The following is a guest post from Jack at Road to Solidity. Western men are divided. Real western men, those who care, those who are conscious of who they are and who cherish their civilization and their people, are divided. Here I’m not talking about the left-wing guys versus the right-wing guys.  I’m talking about the right-wing guys being divided among them. Being physically disconnected from each other. They are not bonded by something other than their ideas and what they want for their civilization. They are isolated from one another. They don’t form a real team. They don’t form...


Reflections on Clausewitz, Book II, Chapter 3 & 4

Chapter 3: Art or Science of War Science when mere knowing. Art, when doing, is the object. Both perception and judgement belong to Art; Science is the logical faculties which exist in between. War is more Art than Science, but truly it is neither; it exists in the realm of social interaction.  It is wrought upon a living and active force. Chapter 4: Methodicism Clausewitz begins this chapter by pondering the definitions of several words; I shall attempt to translate them into business terms. Law: the strictest term here (and to be understood in the sense of “Laws of Nature”)...


Reflections on Clausewitz’s “On War”; Chapter 1

I’ve recently decided to undertake an in-depth study of Carl Von Clausewitz’s book On War; one of Western Civilization’s greatest works of strategy. I find that the best way to aid my study has always been to write down notes as I read; those notes are what follows. Hopefully you find them a useful summary; if you wish to read along with me, I’d appreciate hearing your own thoughts in the comments section.