Tagged: Trayvon Martin

The Power of the Shield 4

The Power of the Shield

It’s hard being a cop these days. Part of me wants to be sympathetic.  The Boys in Blue are expected to uphold Law and Order in a society that celebrates License and Orgy.  On the one side, they’ve got the journalistic classes and the fattened masses, cowards and malcontents, who are utterly incapable of judging their actions.  On the other, they have the Untermenschen, those half-tamed barbarians, egged on by debauched culture and lobbyists, who speak nothing but the language of violence. If the media starts yelling about “Excessive force,” it’s dollars-to-donuts that some degenerate was refusing to comply. But...

What if They Had a Race War and Nobody Showed Up? 3

What if They Had a Race War and Nobody Showed Up?

Or: You Can’t Simmer the Zimmer So far, there’ve been very few race riots over the Zimmerman Acquittal.  My thoughts on the matter in this short, thirty minute video. Note: the camera cut out ten seconds before I finished, but you’re not missing anything. Direct Link “Worthless” Audiobook, by Aaron Clarey & voicced by Davis M.J. Aurini YouTbe to MP3 A Scared Liberal ͼ-Ѻ-ͽ My novel My Twitter

Being a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 9

Being a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

The Slaying of Saint Skittles fiasco is heating up again, with a bevy of new reports coming out as the Zimmerman trial goes underway.  As a response, Sturges over at Apocalypse Cometh has taken it upon himself to write a series of posts about the legal ins-and-outs of self defense. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and more to come. He speaks as a man with experience in such matters, and given the vast quantities of Red Blood present in my readership, you’d all be doing yourselves a disservice if you didn’t read his thoughts on the matter. As for...

Poor Little Trayvon: Profiteering Off Hate 7

Poor Little Trayvon: Profiteering Off Hate

To understand Trayvon Martin, you first must understand Charles Manson. A condensed summation from Pravda: Charles Milles Manson (born November 12, 1934) is an American criminal who led what became known as the Manson Family, a quasi-commune that arose in California in the late 1960s. He was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the Tate/LaBianca murders carried out by members of the group at his instruction. … [And eventually convicted] … Manson believed in what he called “Helter Skelter,” a term he took from the song of the same name by The Beatles. Manson believed Helter Skelter to be an...