Tagged: video games


Book Review: Understanding #Gamergate by Scott Cameron

Scott Cameron’s Understanding #Gamergate is a 14,000 word dissertation explaining the core issues which started Gamergate, the major developments which have proceeded since that time, introductions to the major players, and a framework by which the reader can measure and weigh the arguments of both sides.

Grand Theft Auto V and Misogyny 3

Grand Theft Auto V and Misogyny

By now I’m sure you’ve heard the complaints coming from the usual quarters: GTA V contains “disturbing” attitudes towards women.  It more-or-less started with a GameSpot Transexual praising the game, aside from this one “issue,” and since then it keeps popping up all over. Quite frankly, I’m sick of it. And yet, GTA V is a game that does merit conversation; it’s a game that contains theft, murder, and torture, over and above the alleged misogyny – surely this is worthy of discussion; by what grounds to we deliver a resounding “Shut your fool mouth, woman!” to the feminists that...

Calling Liberals Racist 8

Calling Liberals Racist

As I’m sure you’re all aware, “racist” is a meaningless word; the closest it comes to having any semantic content is John Ringo’s “Bad dog!  No biscuit!” It’s an empty set of boo-lights meant to censure those on the right.  Any of the following can get you called racist: Noticing biological/behavioural differences between the races Noticing cultural differences between non-White groups (cultural differences between Whites don’t count) Noticing different groups Advocating policies based upon race which don’t involve free-money or preferential treatment Advocating polices which ignore race, “free-market economics” style Disagreeing with a black person (or other minority aside from...