Tagged: virtue


Sallust by Quintus Curtius: A Review

Sallust: The Conspiracy Of Catiline And The War Of Jugurtha is a work of Roman History, written by one of Julius Caesar’s lieutenants during his retirement (the eponymous Caius Sallustius Cripus) and translated by my colleague Quintus Curtius.  He had several reasons for assembling a new translation. The first is the sheer beauty of the prose: For in every state those who have no resources envy the productive and, due to dissatisfaction with their own lot, are eager for everything to be changed.  They are nourished by upheaval and sedition without care, as poverty is easily maintained without great expense....

Modern Cynicism & The Death of Hope 20

Modern Cynicism & The Death of Hope

Hope is frightening; it implies the potential for failure. Hope is demanding; it provides an objective to work towards. Hope is humbling; it makes you realize that your own weaknesses are your worst enemy. Living without Hope leads to failure, but it’s a comforting sort of failure. It’s the root of all addiction.