The Tide is Returning: Logos is Rising

Ever since Charlottesville ended in disaster, things have been anemic in these parts of the Internet.  Little of significance has been happening with “the right”, and the left have been mustering their forces, pushing increasing levels of insanity and sowing seeds of misery that will bloom over the decades to come.  As of late things have even begun to accelerate – an ephemeral observation, based upon too many vague data points to specifically point to, but nonetheless an observation made by myself and many others.  The manifestation of the Honkler meme should be sufficient to prove that the observation was widespread.  Dismaying for those who don’t have faith, and interesting to those of us who do.

Recent events have helped me understand precisely what this acceleration was: it was the finality of the last wave.  When a wave crashes on a beach, it peaks on the sand, begins to slowly withdraw… and then it’s suddenly sucked back by the next wave that’s coming.  This acceleration in mental illness was nothing but a preparation for sanity to return.

What is “This”?

Earlier I put “the right” into scare quotes.  There’s a very good reason for this, as it’s the incorrect definition of what “this” is.  As I described in my recent YouTube interview with Right Ruminations, “this thing” has gone through many names and iterations.  The Red Pill – the NRX – GamerGate – the Alt Right – successive waves of the New Sound fighting against Corporate Music, and each time it succumbed to MOP Theory.  Each started out as an assault on the establishment lies; eventually the Truth gained traction, and started attracting the MOPs (Members of the Public, Normies, audience).  Seeing this sudden agglomeration, the Psychopaths showed up, and figured out better ways to market the New Sound – inevitably neutering it, and turning it into a new flavour of Corporate Music.

Before we go on, we need to qualify the above metaphor: in this case, both the New Sound and the Corporate Sound are versions of the Truth: both are in opposition to the Establishment (within which a similar game is being played).  So not only are we dealing with the inner-war of MOP Theory, we’re also dealing with a hostile foreign entity, which is trying to silence the New Sound and Corporate Music alike.

Now, Charlottesville: Richard Spencer had been slinking around the outskirts of the NRX, the Dissident Right, and the Identitarian movements for years, a fairly minor figure, until around 2014 when the movement started gaining momentum.  He managed to grab hold of the movement, and along with Jason Kessler1 – an ex-Occupy Wallstreet organizer – staged the doomed Charlottesville rally (For a full history of these years, see “A Post Mortem of the Alt-Right Brand” by Laramie Hirsch in Culture Wars magazine, March 2019, Vol. 38, No. 4 – or see his online synopsis).  Spencer and Kessler were the Psychopaths, their followers were the MOPs.  Following this, the Left – and certain members of the “Right” – began to clamp down on Freedom of Speech.  President Trump was securing his position in the White House, the tech giants were turning against anything more controversial than a Disney Movie reviewer, and all of the funding began to dry up.  Those on the Dissident Right were fighting over a smaller and smaller piece of the pie, and the censorious nature of YouTube created a chilling effect, leading many to remain silent on topics of any import.  The growth of (I hate) “Marvel/Star Wars/Game of Thrones” commentary is a direct result of this – scrapping over scraps.

A great culling has been occurring over the past few years.  With the pie shrinking, it gave us an opportunity to see who the real musicians were, and who was just pretending; who were the talented hacks mimicking the New Sound for the sake of audience accolades.  With the anti-establishment pie shrinking, some of us held fast to our course, while others turned to defamation and infighting, desperate to grab the last few pennies rolling around on the floor (those exclusively reviewing Disney are the equivalent of advertising jingle musicians).

This is not the first time this has happened.  The Red Pill turned into a product, sold by PUA Gurus, who relied upon hopeless simps paying thousands of dollars for Boot Camps, where they were promised the Magic Words that would get any woman into bed.  Mister Metokur temporarily quit the Internet during GamerGate, once it became obvious that dozens of people were angling to earn an income off of it.2  Even the NRX saw charismatic ‘leaders’ derail a scholastic movement into publicity stunts.  You’d think that something as important as politics would be above such pettiness; if that’s the case, then go watch The Young Pope: even the Vatican is full of power struggles.

The combination of MOP collapse and Establishment censorship are what led to the recent anemia.  But the Truth is like a bad penny – it just keeps showing up.  Calling this thing “the right” is a misnomer; that’s just the most recent label for it, a historical accident which resulted from the Democrats making a deal-with-the-devil, and selling their souls to the Clintons back in the 90s.  It could have just as easily been the Republicans who sold their souls.  Even as things stand, the Bushes are hardly bastions of virtue.

The New Sound has always been about the same thing: speaking the Truth, when everybody else lies.  Explaining the Truth, so that individuals can implement it in their own lives.  Celebrating the Truth, because the Truth shall set you free.  The Psychopaths keep stealing the truth, and dumbing it down, and selling the High Fructose Corn Syrup version for mass consumption; this winds up ruining the brand name, but it does nothing to stop Logos.

And that seems to be the name that this latest iteration is developing: Logos Rising.

The New New Sound

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve seen indications that the Scene is returning.  Roosh V has decided to put his money where his mouth is.  He stopped selling his old books, and has rewritten the rules of his forum to exclude discussions of fornication, exposing many of his followers for the MOPs that they are: fair-weather “friends” who want him to play Freebird for the rest of his life.  Other writers have been seeing the same thing that I described in this piece – and have been taking steps to do something about it.  Alternatives to the current crop of social media are developing, which promise to be less wrath-inducing than the socially-engineered Hate Boxes that are Facebook and Twitter (click here to follow my updates on Telegram), and in several places, the Geeks are re-orienting and reaching out to one-another – I myself have had two fellow-travelers from far off lands reach out to me, and we found that we spoke the same tongue.3

The New New Sound is a step beyond the polarizing, revolutionary politics of left-versus-right; it’s no longer interested in Capitalism vs Socialism (new boss looks a lot like the old boss); it’s back to establishing a theoretical basis for civilization that allows man to love woman, woman to love man, and for both to come together to raise a new generation who will have a fighting chance in this world.

In other words, Logos Rising has abandoned partisan politics, to return to speaking the Truth.

Avoiding the Pitfalls of the Past

Over the past few months, particularly with my YouTube ban, I’ve been learning to let go of the online world.  Social media has been devastating to content creators – not because of the censorship, but because of the vanity and narcissism which it induces, not to mention the wrath!  Think of your relatives who are refusing to speak to one another, who are always angry, because they allow the MSM to feed poison into their ears.  Internet addiction – political junkies – Instagram thots – it’s all the same thing.  Turning people into parasite-zombies for the sake of clicks and metadata.  The petty fighting between groups, and infighting within groups.  None of this is useful or productive in any way: it doesn’t earn money, it isn’t enjoyable in its own right, and it does nothing to develop us spiritually.  So what good is it?

I think that question answers itself.  There’s been a lot of good done with the online world, despite some of the evil.  Despite the abundance of evil.  Just look to ourselves, some of the connections we’ve made, the realizations we’ve had that we would have otherwise missed.  I, myself, look to some of the emails I’ve received: men and women who’ve thanked me for the good I’ve brought to their lives.  Yes, there is much vanity in the online – but it’s not pure vanity.  Some of it is good.

One of the questions I’ve been asking myself as of late is, if I return, what will I be doing, and why?  I think it may have been Ryan Faulk who said that there are only three justifications for being an intellectual: discovering new data, synthesizing data into new theories, and explaining the new theories to a general audience.  All else is vanity.  We don’t need any more History Professors writing rambling books on Feminism and the Roman Matron in 3rd Century A.D., that only four other people will read, nor do we need bloggers criticizing third wave feminism with tired talking points; it’s been done, and they didn’t listen the umpteenth time, they aren’t going to listen now.

My last post – an examination of Fr. Seraphim’s book Nihilism – is the sort of useful work which I can contribute to this world.  Let’s ignore false modesty: I have a grounding in Philosophy and the Classics which few College Professors can rival, and unlike many of them I’ve lived a virile and virtuous life, applying the lessons which the Classics taught our forefathers.  Furthermore, these topics are the polar opposite of clickbait; by writing lucidly on such tenebrous topics I can avoid the pitfalls of popularity.

So I’ve decided to officially return to online content-creation, and as of today I am reactivating my Patreon.  Most of the new content will be writing – even if YouTube hadn’t banned me, the medium is the message and there’s a great deal of self-importance over there.  But I will continue podcasting occasionally, it’s a good way to converse with you, the audience, and address any questions/problems/concerns which you might have.

But I will also be doing something new: I have decided to start offering one-on-one instruction on the Classics.

As my colleague Aaron Clarey has noted, spending $20,000 a year on a Classics education (taught by a bisexual, left-wing, Atheist, in most cases) is a pointless waste of money.  But this doesn’t mean that the field isn’t useful, particularly if it’s taught right.  The problem with “personal development” gurus is that they have no rock to build their teachings off of.  Without that core of Civilization, they’re nothing but Rationalization Coaches.  By studying the Classics, however – actually studying them, not debating “feminist themes in Medea”, as one of my University Professor was wont to do – we find out who our ancestors were, and by virtue of that, who we are.  Furthermore, as these will be one-on-one sessions, they’ll be oriented towards your current level of erudition: no prerequisites required.  Please visit the page for course details.

And then… there’s that book on Leviathan that’s been waiting in the back of my mind for me to write for some time now.  Two years ago, I knew that nobody would read it.  Today?  Perhaps those times have changed…

Logos is rising, folks; the light still shines, no matter how many lies are spread from the usual lips.  Like a ship that’s been scraped clean, the barnacles have sloughed off, and the New Sound is free to play once more.  Good things are coming for those who are prepared.


  1. While I single out Spencer and Kessler, these were hardly the only Psychopaths present; just a couple of the most visible. I’ll leave it to the reader’s discretion to figure out whom the others were, this is not a gossip site.
  2. I suppose I should pre-empt the comments accusing me of trying to profiteer off of GamerGate. A) I had been criticizing feminism for years before GamerGate, long before it was easy and popular to do so. B) The film had been in planning for three months prior to the 5 Guys incident.  C) Profiteering involves hiring other people to do the work, while collecting funds for your “organizing” skills; I spent two years of my life working on that film, it’s such a shame that the drama surrounding it outshone the film itself.
  3. I apologize for the obtuse metaphor, but it’s all that I can say at present.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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3 Responses

  1. Slumlord says:

    The Logos is definitely rising. Charlottesville was necessary to seperate the wheat from the chaff. The Nazi LARPers lost and that is a good thing.

  2. Mutant says:

    This stuff comes and goes in waves. Here is the thing though..with each wave, the waterline gets a little higher. Our ideas and concepts have become embedded into the culture now, and even though we are in for 2-3 generations of hell, i think the seeds of reconquest and liberation are now sown.

  3. Doktor Jeep says:

    There are three ways to screw the left:
    1. Be effective. Meaning no gossip and drama. I think you know what I mean.
    2. Make money while being effective.
    3. Have kids.

    Do those three things and the left will wail and gnash their teeth. They don’t mind if we all became like Anne Coulter for example. She makes money but is not effective and has no kids. Roosh is effective but is not rich and has no kids. Owen Benjamin is effective and has kids but they are trying to bankrupt him. If you do only 2 of the three, they don’t care. Do all three at once, you become enemy number 1.

    ED: Exactly. This is why I’m done fighting the left – or anybody else, for that matter, it’s nothing but bums fighting over garbage in an alley. I’m good at writing, though; so for me, this is Part 1 and maybe Part 2.

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