Category: Society


The Wages of Leftism is Rape

…the social shaming of sluts has primarily come from female half of the species, while the violent disgust with rapists has come from the men; the two halves view things from their own perspectives, which is why their union is so necessary for a civilized whole.


Fireproof (2008): Unpacking the Feminism [Video]

Fireproof is a 2008 film which tries to put out a positive, pro-marriage message. While it has some good elements, it ultimately fails because of the attitude of “Women are Wonderful and can do no wrong”. It winds up flipping the principles of Christian marriage on their head, and serves as a guideline for setting yourself up for divorce.


Game Theory and the Marriage Matrix

Plotting a course to our hopes and dreams grows ever more difficult, as the incentives which make up the social fabric of society shift, and defection is prioritized over cooperation.


Attacking the Wrong Degenerates

Good men who seek after greatness, both personal and professional, are the ones who are most aware of their own shortcomings. They’re the ones who over-extend themselves, whose reach exceeds their grasp in their never-ending journey of self-improvement. Their life is a series of mistakes made for all the right reasons, mistakes they take ownership of, the mistakes by which they learn.


Book Review: Understanding #Gamergate by Scott Cameron

Scott Cameron’s Understanding #Gamergate is a 14,000 word dissertation explaining the core issues which started Gamergate, the major developments which have proceeded since that time, introductions to the major players, and a framework by which the reader can measure and weigh the arguments of both sides.